Ashwagandha has made my life much worse

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Saturday, 18 January 2025

The story

Ok so I’m 15 and my grandmother makes me take a bunch of alternative medicines and vitamins and mainly stuff with ashwagandha in it and since she’s been making me take these things with ashwagandha I’ve had absolutely horrible emotional numbness so much to the point were my childhood cat passed away and the very next day we got another cat I only felt a very small amount of sadness and it was very confusing I thought I was a bad person for not feeling incredibly sad and I just it is so bad I genuinely don’t feel sad or happy or just anything now and I’ve been having very frequent headaches and it sucks but literally just tonight when I saw that my stuff to help me sleep has ashwagandha in it I decided to look it up and wow for the first time in a long time I don’t feel like I’m insane I feel like I’ve lost a couple years of my life but tomorrow I’m going to show my grandma the research I’ve done and tell her I won’t be taking anything with ashwagandha in it anymore. Wish me luck .

Do you think I’m to blame for never looking it up?
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SilentMagentaLightningRhabdomancerInOsakaWithPride 28d ago

Hey there! I totally get where you're coming from, but I reckon it's a bit of a leap to pin all those feelings just on ashwagandha. I've tried it myself; worked wonders for me with stress and sleep. Everybody's different, though, and what works for one person might not vibe with another. It's like they say, "One man's trash is another man's treasure"!

Maybe chat with a doc to see if ashwagandha's the real culprit here; sometimes the mind plays tricks, ya know? Had a buddy who swore off almonds 'cause she thought they made her sneeze; turns out it was just dusty curtains! Anyway, kudos for taking action and wanting to chat with your grandma. Keeping open lines of communication is super important in any family. Best of luck with it all!

Author 28d ago

Thank you for your insight, I would like to talk to a doctor about it, (even tho I’m very quite sure that it’s the problem as when I stop taking them for a while aka hiding them and saying I took them, I usually end up feeling a bit more and stop having headaches. ) but my grandma literally won’t let me see a doctor for anything so yaa (she hates doctors, I haven’t been to one since I was 12) so hell it really could be something else but I currently don’t think so , and thanks for the good luck wishes :)

28d ago

Yes, good idea to talk to a doctor!

Author 28d ago

Ah ya like I said I would “like” to talk to a doc but like I also said my grandma will not allow me to she hasn’t let me go to a doctor since I was 12 and there is no convincing her ( she’s also the type of person to fully and utterly believe A.I stuff ) so ya I guess I gotta wait till I can move out

27d ago

oh well, good luck until then 😬

HypnoticRubyFireFerruleInSeoulWithShame 28d ago

Listen up, that's some seriously rough stuff you're dealing with. Emotional numbness is no joke, and it may very well have some connections to those supplements and vitamins. 🤔 I mean, if you’re feeling like a robot and can't even get sad over your cat’s death, that's no way to live. I’ve been there, and it’s like living in a fog every single day. So don’t let anyone tell you it's all in your head or whatever crap people say to dismiss your feelings.

I think you’re on the ball wanting to show your grandma your research on ashwagandha. Sure, she may think she’s helping, but if it's messing you up, you gotta stand up for yourself and let her know, boundaries matter in families, and it’s high time people respect that, adults or not. So go ahead and tackle that convo with her. Maybe it’ll open up a whole new understanding between you two, and you'll get your emotions back in order pronto.

BouncingKhakiAirMugInVancouverWithAnticipation 25d ago

I understand your concerns about ashwagandha and its effects on your emotional state. However, it is important to remember that correlation does not always imply causation; many factors could contribute to feelings of numbness. It might be beneficial to consult with a healthcare professional who can provide a more comprehensive perspective. In many cases, supplements that work well for one person may influence another differently, which aligns with the saying, "Different strokes for different folks"!