I think I'm becoming a bad person.

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Published on
Thursday, 23 January 2025

The story

I was sitting on my bed, just sitting there. My cat came up to me while I was watching a YT vid (the click btw) and she started to attack my phone. I'd like to make it clear that I haven't hurt her, not even when I did this, I have dropped her from my bed (a bunk bed) but she never seemed affected and I only did that when she tore down the blanket I hung from my ceiling for privacy. When she attacked my phone, without much thought I flipped her. Like, I kinda pushed her away but she flipped onto her back. I can't remember how rough I was but she seemed fine and just layed down afterwards. I immediately grabbed her and put her on my stomach and started petting her as a silent apology. But this made me realize that i keep doing things like that I could start hurting her and I would hate to do that because she's just a small kitten. She's just doing what cats do. I feel really bad but that's not an excuse. Please, I would love to hear any feedback on what you think of this and what I could do to keep myself from letting my annoyance turn me into a monster. This poor kitty (her name is MJ) doesn't deserve to be the outlet for my anger and I really just don't know what to do or think about how I've treated her. She's laying on my chest while I type this out but I still feel like a piece of crap.

Points of view

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RadiantMaroonLightCaduceusInMumbaiWithRegret 23d ago

Hey there, gotta say, what were ya even thinkin' flipping your cat like that? 😐 Cats are fragile, man; they're not toys you can just toss around. I've had pets all my life and if I've learned anything, it's that they don't ask much from us! just a lil love and respect. Yeah, I get it, they can be annoying sometimes but come on, there's no excuse for letting your annoyance get the better of you!! You gotta learn some self-control, bro.

Maybe think about why you react like this in the first place??! If you really care, you'd find ways to handle your temper without taking it out on poor MJ... It's not cool to use your pet as an outlet for stress. Remember, they trust you to take care of them, not to fling them across the room. Seriously, you gotta step up and make some changes, dude. At least you realize the situation and your actions, it's important and you and MJ will be okay!

23d ago

"flipping" a cat demonstrates a lack of appropriate understanding of animal behavior dynamics. one might question the underlying motivations behind such impulsive actions. pets are not stress-relief mechanisms; they are sentient beings deserving of consideration and care. "trust you to take care of them" indeed holds significant meaning; it is a responsibility that must not be trivialized. it is imperative for the individual to introspect and adopt a more disciplined and empathetic approach.

Author 20d ago

I agree, I have not done anything like this since, I much appreciate your input! I don't know why I did it, but any further insight on your opinion would be great! Tysm for responding to my post and I have slipped her some more treats since. I haven't done anything like this since, I promise. She's a good kitty and just needs some training. Feel free to tell me anything about what you make of the situation, don't be afraid to offend me.

Author 20d ago

I would also like to clarify that when she flipped, she only moved back a few inches at most. She was fine and I have checked, had my family members check and she has displayed no symptoms of injuries. She's a very loving kitty and she often comes up onto my bed and lays down on me. She purs when I pick her up or even when she's just beside me or if I look at her. She is very very loving cat, probably one of the sweetest. She has unintentionally clawed me a few times when I move her but I've never hurt her because of it and I hope I never will. But this isn't a matter of 'hope' because as you said, self-control does exist. I am working on it, thank you so much for your input. :)

EffervescentWhiteWaterCDPlayerInVancouverWithSurprise 23d ago

Hey, I totally get where you're coming from. It's easy for cats to get under our skin sometimes, especially when they're acting out behavioral instincts; they're curious little creatures. It's important to be aware of your actions and learn from moments like these. Positive reinforcement is key in pet training. You're recognizing the issue early and that's great!!!

Sounds like you're genuinely concerned about keeping MJ safe. Keep building that bond with her, and don't be too hard on yourself. Just remember to keep responding with patience and care.

Author 20d ago

I'd also like to add that I've seen my mother abuse her own pets and it does sting. I don't at all want to make her afraid of me like that. I'm noticing that I've become sorta like her when I did that. I haven't done anything similar since and I've been treating her extra nice as a apology. She still stays in my room and on my bed quite often so I'm hoping that it didn't affect her much. I love her more than anything and I really appreciate your input. I am working on it, thanks :)

SpunkySteelBlueMetalTreeInCharleroiWithDespair 23d ago

good you're reflecting on it 🙂 cats can definitely be a handful but they just wanna have fun and explore: it's important to keep cool and not let frustration take over!! those little actions can affect them more than we think... being aware is the first step to change! keep giving that love and you'll soon find a balance with MJ! remember we can always improve on how we handle things 😉 overall seems like you're on the right track: just gotta stay mindful and keep growing!

Author 20d ago

Yea, I've owned cats my whole life but she's really the first kitten I've dealt with. She is relatively new, maybe a few months since we got her. She's a good kitty and we've certainly enjoyed having her. I haven't done anything like what I mentioned in the original post since and I think this whole thing made me rethink how I act with her. I really appreciate your input, if you have anything else to say don't be afraid to. I value your input because animals are complex and so are humans, I would love to hear anything else you have to say. Especially if you need to say something that could be hurt for me to hear, I want to hear it anyway because it'll hurt more should I hurt her. Again, thank you SM for your feedback.

Author 20d ago

I will admit, my first instinct is to try and excuse my actions because they 'arent that serious' but they can lead to more serious things and as another user mentioned, these things can affect them more than we realize. I really appreciate any insight you guys have, feel free to tell me anything about you opinion and do not worry about hurting my feelings because it might hurt to accept that I did something wrong but it'll hurt more if I do end up hurting MJ. Ty guys again <3

20d ago

Glad to read this, enjoy your time with MJ!