My Husband’s New Faith is Tearing Our Family Apart

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Tuesday, 04 June 2024

The story

I've been married to my husband, Alex, for 17 years. We have two kids, Emma and Jack. Alex and I have been best friends for most of our marriage, but everything changed recently.

About a year ago, Alex was involved in a car accident. He was hit by a drunk driver and was in a coma for a month. It was an incredibly difficult time for our family, and the kids and I stayed by his side whenever we weren't at work or school.

Thankfully, he recovered and was able to return to his life after months of recovery and intense physical therapy. Things seemed to be getting back to normal until a few weeks ago when he became extremely religious. He started to believe that God had saved him and that he needed to use this second chance to spread his faith.

While I support people expressing their beliefs, Alex has adopted a very conservative form of Christianity, which is causing a lot of tension between us. Jack is in his senior year of high school and busy with college applications. Emma, watching her brother, has become interested in college too. The other day, she came to me in tears because she had asked her dad for advice on good colleges for computer science, a field she is passionate about. He told her she wouldn't be attending college because her role was to be a wife and mother, and college would be a waste for her.

I was livid. I confronted Alex about his statement, and he said he was spreading God's word and didn't want our children led into a sinful lifestyle. I asked him if he expected me to quit my job (I work from home as an accountant) and focus solely on being a wife and mother. He said he had been wanting to discuss this with me and thought I should quit my job since it wasn't suitable for a woman.

I was completely blindsided since he'd never expressed anything like this before. I told him I wouldn't quit my job, and our daughter would attend college regardless of his approval. He rolled his eyes and said I would come around eventually.

Things escalated last night. Emma was getting ready to go to the movies with friends, wearing jeans and a crop top—typical teenage attire. Alex stopped her and demanded she change, calling her outfit inappropriate. She asked why, and he said he wouldn't let her leave the house looking like that.

I was stunned as he'd never spoken that way before. I told Emma to go as she was, and she left. Alex then accused me of not caring about our daughter's soul. I told him it was her body, and she could dress how she wanted. He argued that her body belonged to God, not her, and I needed to respect his beliefs. I said I couldn't respect a belief system that treated women as second-class citizens, and he stormed out of the house.

He hasn't returned yet. Have I been wrong?

What do you think would happen if this scenario played out on a reality show? Would people side with me, or think I should support Alex's newfound beliefs?

Am I wrong for standing up to my husband’s newfound conservative beliefs?
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Points of view

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4mo ago

you are 100% right! your daughter deserves to follow her dreams 🌟

4mo ago

Absolutely! Education is key!

4mo ago

True, but maybe they should talk it out...

4mo ago

Alex sounds like he's gone off the deep end... sorry you're dealing with this

4mo ago

I hope he finds some balance

4mo ago

Religion shouldn't be forced on anyone

4mo ago

Stand your ground! No woman should be treated like that in 2024

4mo ago

Oh man, this is tough. Religion can really change people sometimes

4mo ago

if this was a reality show, I’d definitely be Team You! Alex’s behavior is just too extreme

4mo ago

Maybe he needs therapy to deal with the accident's aftermath, not just religion

4mo ago

😢 So sad to see families torn apart by this

4mo ago

Hope he comes back soon and you guys can talk it out properly

4mo ago

Yo, this whole situation seems mad intense, y'know? Alex suddenly turned into a ultra-religious dude post-accident, but then he starts imposing his beliefs on everyone, calling shots on how his kids should live their lives? Nah fam, that ain't cool. Straight up, Emma should be free to chase her dreams in computer science, not being told she supposed to be popping out babies. And for real, body autonomy is a thing, it's 2024! Being respectful's all good 'n stuff, but this is another level. If this went down on a show, I reckon folks would be siding with the mom here 'cause ain't no reason to hold back someone's future like that. Free will is the vibe, innit?

3mo ago

man, this family drama is seriously messed up. Alex's sudden religious 180 degrees turn has thrown everyone for a loop, but dude's gotta chill with pushing his beliefs on everyone, ya feel me?

Emma's passion for comp sci is lit, and nobody should be shutting that down.

We all about equality here, and nobody should be telling someone what they can and can't do, especially based on sexist beliefs.

This situation is a hot mess, and if it was on a reality show, I bet peeps would totally be on the mom's side. Respect and individual choices are key, folks. Let's hope they sort this out in a positive way soon.