My Girlfriend's Kid Sister Keeps Stealing My Stuff!

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Saturday, 17 August 2024

The story

I've been spending quite a bit of time at my girlfriend Caroline's place, and her younger sister, Emily, who is 12, seems to have taken a peculiar interest in my belongings. She has repeatedly taken items like my phone, keys, and watch, only to hide them and leave me hints to their whereabouts. Caroline's family finds Emily's antics rather charming and funny; however, I'm left feeling quite frustrated, especially when I'm crawling behind furniture to retrieve my phone.

Emily excuses her actions by claiming she deserves my belongings more than I do, and that I should play along to win them back. It's odd to me that her parents haven’t intervened more decisively.

I brought this up with Caroline, expressing that I found her sister's behavior irritating and disrespectful, rather than amusing. I also mentioned my discomfort with how her parents were handling the situation.

Caroline was quick to defend her sister, suggesting that she’s just being a typical kid and couldn't be faulted for it. She argued that kids often act out and shouldn't be held to adult standards of behavior.

This is hard for me to accept, since I was raised in a strict Asian household where respect for others' belongings was emphasized, particularly in the presence of guests. In my family, such behavior would have been corrected immediately.

Despite this, I reiterated to Caroline that this issue isn’t about her sister’s age but about respect for other people's property. Caroline claimed it was unreasonable for me to expect her sister to behave like an adult, but agreed to discuss it with her parents, albeit reluctantly.

The entire situation is making me wonder if I’m being too harsh, or if my expectations are indeed justified. Imagine if this were playing out on a reality TV show, capturing every hidden cellphone and whispered argument. How would viewers react to seeing someone’s personal items repeatedly hidden for laughs? It could potentially swing public opinion, painting me either as a villain intolerant of a child’s play or as a victim of unchecked mischief.

What do you think, would this kind of family drama fly on a reality show?

Points of view

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2mo ago

Kids can be a handful, but respect for others' stuff is basic; Your frustration is totally valid. If I were in your shoes, I'd probably feel the same. It's also about setting boundaries and teaching what’s okay and what’s not. Both sides make sense, but it's important for everyone to find a middle ground. Handling this on a reality show? That’d definitely make some waves.

1mo ago

yeah, that situation sounds really annoying 😕 i kinda agree with you. kids do need to learn respect for others' things.

i remember when my little borther kept taking my stuff; it drove me nuts. but also remembering they're just kids too. maybe a bit more guidance from parents could help. "family dynamics can be tricky" as they say. finding common ground is key

1mo ago

i mostly agre with you; kids can be super annoying 😓!!! when i was young, my brother use to take my things, and it made me so mad; i think emily's behavior needs correction, or it might get worse!!! it's kinda shocking her parents dont do more;;; Caroline should understand your point more!!!! I get why you're frustrated!!!

1mo ago

wow, this situation sucks 😡!!! kids being annoying, but emily is next level!!! when I was young, I'd get in so much trouble for this crap. can't believe her parents just let her do this!! caroline needs to get a clue; teach her sister some basic respect. ur not bein too harsh!!! your stuff should be off-limits, period!!!!!