i am annoyed
The story
ok, so, i have scooter that i got in june at it did not have buzzer for indicator and i like it that way i hate the annoying beep beep sound. and my cousin recently her scooter and it also did not had buzzer but she got that beep beep sound installed to her scooter and now her mom was forcing me to get it done to my scooter too. i said no, i don't want it and she was no get it done and my mother did not took my side there. and now her father took my scooter to get it install in my scooter. i am just frustrated that it is my freaking u am going to drive it then why the fuck you want to make decision about it

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Points of view
I reckon this is absurd!!!! I once had a similar problem with my car's alarm system, and it was a pain in the neck..... authority figures meddling where they shouldn't...... you totally have my sympathy!!!!! Personal preferences should be respected, especially when it's your ride you're dealing with!!! People need to back off sometimes!!! 😅
It's quite understandable that you feel frustrated with the situation; however, considering the safety implications could offer a fresh perspective. Sometimes, what we find annoying might actually be beneficial in the long run. As the saying goes, "Better safe than sorry." 🙂 Embrace change, as it can often lead to positive outcomes. Stay optimistic and open-minded!!!!!