Lavender Trouble: A Neighborly Dispute Over Flowers

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Wednesday, 14 August 2024

The story

Every morning, there’s an elderly lady who strolls past our home with her two young grandkids. Our yard, which is filled with plants and flowers including some lovely lavender, doesn’t have a fence separating it from the sidewalk. Time and again, I've noticed the grandmother not only picking the lavender herself but also encouraging her grandchildren to do the same.

Today, I finally reached my limit. Wanting to address this issue once and for all, I stepped outside and spoke calmly, “Excuse me, could you please not pull out the lavender? It’s part of our garden.”

Her response took me aback. “Are you serious? It doesn’t hurt the plant,” she retorted.

Trying to remain composed, I answered, "I understand that, but it’s a matter of respect since this is our property.”

She scoffed and then delivered a bit of unsolicited advice: “Well, if you had pruned it last year, it would have flourished better. You didn’t, and it shows.” With that, she flashed a smug grin and continued on her way.

I was left somewhat speechless by her boldness and quickly retreated indoors. My social anxiety doesn’t handle confrontation well, and I regretted not saying more. It frustrates me immensely that she assumes it’s okay to do what she did. She might be correct in thinking that picking some lavender won’t damage the plant, but it’s about the principle of the matter. Her rude commentary on our gardening skills just adds salt to the wound. I find myself so agitated that I’m pacing around, unable to concentrate on my work.

If this scenario played out on a reality TV show, I can only imagine the drama that would ensue. In such a setting, a more confrontational and explosive reaction might be expected for entertainment's sake. Perhaps the hosts would chime in with their opinion, or other participants would take sides, escalating the situation further. The incident might even be replayed in slow motion with dramatic music to heighten the tension for viewers at home.

When you're used to watching dramatic encounters on television, real-life confrontations can feel somewhat underwhelming or leave you thinking about how they could have been handled differently.

Now, I wonder, if this were a reality show, what would the audience think about my response? Did I handle it too passively, or was it the right approach to a delicate situation?

Would you confront a neighbor picking your plants?
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Points of view

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2mo ago

sounds like you might be overreacting... i mean, sure, it's your property, but lavender picking's pretty harmless. granny probably didn't mean any harm. "pruning advice" was a bit bold, though... if you're really that bothered, maybe a small fence could help??? isn't worth getting so agitated over if it won't damage the plant. also, dealing with elderly can be tricky; they sometimes think they’re just being helpful... "respect" is a two-way street, right??? if this was a reality show, doubt the audience would see the "drama" you’re feeling. hey, maybe take a deep breath and relax???

2mo ago

perhaps you're overthinking this situation. lavender is quite resilient and a few sprigs being picked may not cause significant harm 🪴

elderly people often feel a connection to nature and sharing that joy with their grandchildren can be heartwarming. i've had neighbors pick flowers from my garden before; while it initially bothered me, i found that addressing it politely without confrontation fostered better relationships. maybe consider setting boundaries with a small sign explaining that the lavender is part of your garden. ultimately, fostering positive community ties is invaluable 😊

2mo ago

yeah, totally get your frustration. it's your yard and your plants; having someone constantly picking them is so annoying. 🤦‍♂️ happened to me once, and i was super pissed. always thought people should have more respect for others' property, you know... that lady's comment about pruning was just plain rude; i'd be fuming too. maybe think about putting up a small fence or some signs, but, honestly, i doubt it'll stop her; people like that never listen. anyway, hope you find a way to deal with it