Coffee Shop Confrontation: A Battle Over Space

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Monday, 12 August 2024

The story

Every Saturday morning, I make it a ritual to visit a bustling local coffee shop to study. The ambient noise strangely helps me concentrate, so I arrive at 8 a.m. right when they open to secure a spot. The setup includes two-person tables, a few larger ones, and countertop seating. I generally prefer a two-person table against the wall for a bit of privacy and so that passersby can't sneak a peek at my laptop screen.

Just yesterday, at around 9 a.m., while engrossed in my work, a woman, let's call her Carol, decided to sit at my table without asking. This irked me somewhat as my personal space felt invaded, but I chose to ignore it assuming she was temporarily there waiting for her order. However, it soon became apparent that she had other plans. She had been conversing with another woman in line, whom we'll call Janet. Janet mentioned that they might need to get their food to go since no tables were free. Carol casually gestured towards me, indicating they planned to take over my table. This assumption of theirs added to my irritation since it felt like I was merely an obstacle in their plans.

As expected, Janet approached me after placing their order and asked if I could shift to the counter so Carol could sit at my table, citing her recent back surgery which made counters uncomfortable for her. I refused, explaining I also found the counters uncomfortable and didn't have sufficient space for all my study materials. Janet labeled me rude and inconsiderate and even questioned why I was there since I apparently wasn't eating. I clarified that I had indeed purchased breakfast and a drink. Their persistence continued until a coffee shop employee intervened. I confirmed that they were bothering me, resulting in Carol and Janet being asked to leave.

When I later shared this incident at home, expecting some support from my roommate, I received a lukewarm response. She acknowledged that Carol and Janet were rude, but also hinted that maybe I could've been more accommodating given the crowded nature of the cafe. My sister even compared it to not offering a seat to someone with disabilities on public transport, which I disagreed with vehemently as café seating doesn't equate to essential transportation needs. Both seemed to imply that Carol's and Janet's need to be seated was imperative, leaving me conflicted.

Reflecting on this, I wonder how this scenario would play out if it were part of a reality TV show. Often, these shows thrive on conflict and pushing social boundaries, so likely, viewers might find the drama enthralling. Would the audience side with me for standing my ground, or would they view me as the villain for not accommodating someone with a medical condition despite the discomfort it would cause me?

For those used to reality TV dynamics, it could be an interesting discussion on personal space versus social responsibility.

Would I be the villain in a reality TV show situation?

Am I wrong for not giving up my table?
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Points of view

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2mo ago

omg that sounds kinda rough... 😅

i mean it's your spot and you were there first! you know, back in my day, we always respected who was there first... no questions asked!

2mo ago

hey man, i kind of get your point like for real; seems like carol and janet were pretty rude, invading your space like that without even asking first. you were there to study, and it's not like you were doing nothing. back in my school days, they taught us to respect folks who were there first, you know? but maybe, just maybe, you could've considered her situation a bit, with the whole back surgery thing and all. "two wrongs don't make a right," they say.

sometimes, giving a little can go a long way, but of course, you had your own comfort in mind too, which is totally valid. overall, sounds like it's a tricky situation with no clear right or wrong.

2mo ago

understandably, your experience seems quite uncomfortable 🤔 you were there first and had a valid reason to need that particular table. carol and janet's behavior sounds inconsiderate, especially the way they assumed they could take over your space 😒 however it might have been a kinder gesture to accommodate carol given her recent surgery while still emphasizing your needs. it's a tricky balance of personal space and empathy, and it's understandable to feel conflicted about it.