i hate everyone

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Published on
Wednesday, 26 February 2025

The story

I just turned 13 and my family and I thought it would be good to host a birthday party for me they invited all my family to come over even friends I went to my room but then my uncle came in. I told him to leave multiple times because I was changing BUT HE WOULDNT WANT TO LEAVE I HATE HOW NO ONE NOTICED HE WAS IN THERE EVEN THOUGH I RAISED MY VOICE he trapped me in my room and he...🍇 me I hate it so much I hate how I let this happen to me I feel fucking disgusting I feel weak I feel horrible after that happen I didn't want to get out of my room I just wanted to hide under the bed like a scary bitch I am...after the birthday party i kept quiet for a couple days i told my dad BUT FCKING GUESS WHAT he didnt listen he just told me i need to be a man AND THAT I WAS LUCKY IT HAPPEND HOW COULD U SAY THAT TO UR SON WHAT THE FUCK I HATE EVERYONE I HATE MY FAMILY I HATE HIM I WANT TO KILL MYSELF NO ONE LISTENS ME

Points of view

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SnazzyLavenderEarthFoodStorageContainerInBogotaWithAffection 4d ago

man, that's seriously messed up; no one should go through that. i kinda get it, had a sketchy situation in my family too. it's like people just ignore boundaries and consent; makes you feel helpless, right? your dad's reaction just adds insult to injury. family sometimes really drops the ball. 🚫 you're not alone, even if it feels like it. just hang in there.

EnlivenedBrickAirMixingBowlInBogotaWithSurprise 4d ago

Is there no one in your family you could confide in? A trusted adult who could help you report this to the police?

4d ago

I agree, you clearly need to be accompanied by someone you trust so as not to let this act go unpunished...