Am I Wrong for Not Helping My Wife with Her Volunteer Work?

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Monday, 03 June 2024

The story

My wife is currently a teaching assistant for 7th grade while she's in college, aiming to become a full-time teacher. During summer, she enjoys volunteering at a camp for special needs students, which has never been an issue as our schedules matched. However, with COVID, I'm now working from home on different hours, and the camp is short on counselors. Lately, she's been asking me to help out in the mornings before my work starts, but I've been saying no because I prefer to relax before my job as a web designer.

This morning, after she asked again, we ended up in a heated argument. I told her that her volunteer "work" doesn't count as real work since she's not getting paid, and I'm the one bringing in money. I don't want to waste my energy on something that doesn't benefit us financially, especially when we have bills to pay.

She texted me saying she's disgusted with my behavior and plans to stay with another counselor at the camp for a few nights to think things over. Am I wrong here?

Imagine if this whole thing was on a reality show, how do you think people would react? Would they see my point or side with her?

The story in video

Am I wrong for refusing to help my wife with her volunteer work?
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Points of view

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4mo ago

i can't believe you'd say her work isn't real. volunteer work is super important! 😡

4mo ago

i agree, she's helping those kids! that's huge.

4mo ago

You're not wrong for focusing on your job, but maybe find a compromise? 🤷

Author 4mo ago

I appreciate the suggestion. Finding a compromise does sound reasonable, but I'm not sure how to balance it all with my hectic schedule. Maybe I'll have a chat with my wife and see if there's a way we can work things out without causing too much stress for either of us. Thanks for the input!

4mo ago

Dude, if you care about her, just help out a bit. it won't kill you.

4mo ago

right, just an hour or so in the morning.

4mo ago

She should understand that you need to relax before work. Maybe find another solution.

4mo ago

Sorry but I think you were a bit harsh. Volunteering is valuable even if it’s not paid.

4mo ago

Man, just help her out a bit. It’s not like she's asking you to do it all day.

4mo ago

Helping her could also strengthen your relationship. Think about it ;-)

Author 4mo ago

Yeah, I see what you're saying. But honestly, I'm so swamped with my job as a web designer, and the thought of adding more to my plate stresses me out. I get that helping out could bring us closer, but right now, all I need is some chill time before diving into my work. I appreciate the advice, though. Maybe I'll reconsider after giving it some more thought. Cheers!

4mo ago

Listen mate, I gotta say, your attitude towards your wife is straight up unacceptable. Volunteers make the world go round, mate. They're the unsung heroes, the real MVPs. Not everything is about the money, you know what I mean? Sometimes it's about lending a helping hand, doing something selfless for others. And your missus is out there doing just that. She's working towards her dreams, trying to make a difference in these kids' lives. 🌟

You turning her down like that, dissing her efforts because it's not a paid gig, ain't cool at all. She's out there being a role model, showing kindness and compassion, and you're being a downer. It ain't about the Benjamins all the time, mate. Sometimes it's about the heartwarming moments, the smiles you bring to people's faces, the impact you make on someone's life. 💖

I suggest you take a step back, have a good think, and apologize to your wife real quick. She ain't about the drama, she's about the love and care. And if this was a reality show, mate, the viewers ain't gonna be on your side. They'll see the love, the dedication, the selflessness she's showing, and they'll be cheering her on. So, mate, step up, swallow that pride, and make things right.

4mo ago

hey, i understand your perspective, but it's important to appreciate the value of volunteer work too. both paid and unpaid efforts contribute to society in different ways. it might be worth discussing a compromise with your wife to find a solution that works for both of you. everyone's feelings and contributions should be respected.

3mo ago

hey there,

i totally get where you're coming from, but volunteering is a big deal too! it's all about spreading positivity and lending a hand to those in need.

maybe consider finding a middle ground with your wife, it could bring ya closer together in the end.