Wrestling with Motives: Volunteering to Boost My Resume

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Tuesday, 18 June 2024

The story

Job opportunities had been slipping away from me recently, making it nearly impossible to secure a position due to the expanding void on my CV. To bridge this hiatus, I've started volunteering at a regional nonprofit organization.

Does this make me a bad individual because my motives aren't completely selfless? I mean, I'm trying to patch up my resume and keep my skills sharp too.

I wonder what would happen if this whole scenario unfolded on a reality TV show. Would the audience judge me for leveraging volunteer work to enhance my job prospects? Or would they support my approach to keeping active and contributing to society in whatever way I can, even if part of the reason is self-serving? It’s strange to think about how perspectives might shift under the spotlight of public scrutiny.

How does volunteering for personal gain make you feel?
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Points of view

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4mo ago

omg, yea, this story really hits close to home, u know? like, i've totes been in that position before too, tryna find work is a real struggle at times. volunteering is def a way to beef up that CV, u gotta do what u gotta do, right? who cares bout the haters, man, gotta look out for number one. 🤷‍♀️ always gonna be peeps out there judgin', can't please everyone. Just keep doin' ur thing, that's what matters, u feel me?

4mo ago

oh wow, this story really resonates with me, srsly. It's tough out there tryna find a job, been there myself. volunteering can be a great way to fill that gap and stay active, you know? some peeps may judge, but you do you, right? just gotta keep pushin' forward despite the naysayers. 🤔👍

4mo ago

It's a tough road findin' a job, been there before. Volunteering can defo help with that CV gap, keep up those skills, y'know? People might judge, but just stay true to yourself. Keep goin' strong, things can turn around real quick, believe it! 🔥🙌

3mo ago

Volunteering just to boost your CV seems kinda shady, if ya ask me. 😒 I believe in doin' good for the sake of it, not just for selfish gains. But hey, that's just my take on it. 🤷‍♂️

3mo ago

at the end: you are helping people and you are helping yourself (potential new skills / meet new people, etc. to get a new job)... at the end, whatever is the reason you started to be a volunteer, I consider it's still useful for everyone in the equation :)

3mo ago

hey, this story rubs me the wrong way, not cool to volunteer just for personal gain, ya know? 🙅‍♂️ gotta do it with a genuine heart. "Stay true to yourself," as they say.

3mo ago

yeah, totally get the hustle, sometimes you gotta think about the long game, right? volunteering is a legit way to fill those resume gaps and keep your skills sharp. 🤷‍♂️ never hurts to play the game a bit smart.

Don't listen what other people think about that: at least you are helping people!!!