Bathroom Drama to Poop at Home: A Peculiar Domestic Dispute

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Monday, 26 August 2024

The story

In our home, we have a total of three bathrooms. The primary one is situated just outside our living area, another is linked to our master bedroom, and a small one is located in the utility hallway. Consistently, my husband chooses to use the main bathroom for his post-dinner bathroom time, typically when the house is bustling with activity. This bathroom is not just close to the living area, but it’s also equipped with the only bathtub in our home which we need to use for the kids’ baths right after dinner.

The issue here is not just that I can sometimes hear the sounds of him using the bathroom, but also the lingering odor that fills the space where the children are to be bathed right afterward. Considering we have two additional bathrooms he could use, this has become a point of contention.

Before moving into this house, the smaller bathroom in the utility hallway had been designated as the "poop bathroom" at his previous residence, complete with a special stool just for that purpose. Despite this arrangement carrying over, he now opts for the children's footstool in the main bathroom instead. Despite my numerous pleas for him to change his bathroom of choice, he brushes off my concerns, believing I am making a big deal out of nothing. He insists on the freedom to choose any bathroom, regardless of the timing or the practicality of such an action.

I find it quite inconsiderate to occupy the main bathroom right when it’s nearly time for the kids’ baths and bedtime routine. Who really wants to brush their teeth and bathe in a bathroom that’s just been used for such purposes?

Considering how he shrugs off my requests, am I wrong for continually bringing up this issue and pressing him to use one of the other bathrooms?

Imagining this scenario being discussed on a reality TV show, envision the drama and audience reaction! Viewers would likely be split, with some empathizing with my desire for cleanliness and order, while others might chuckle at what they would see as a trivial marital spat blown out of proportion. Hosts and fellow contestants might weigh in, drawing from their own experiences, making it a memorable and relatable discussion point for an episode.

Should I keep asking my husband to change bathrooms?

The story in video

Is it unreasonable to ask my spouse to use a different bathroom?
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Points of view

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1mo ago

Totally get your frustration; it's really inconsiderate of him to use the main bathroom during such a busy time; basic bathroom etiquite in a household should be more mindful to others' needs, especially with kids. You're not wrong for keeping this issue on the table and pressing for a solution.

1mo ago


1mo ago

I can empathize with your situation and understand the challenges you are facing. It appears that your husband’s choice of bathroom is indeed causing significant inconvenience.

From the sounds of it, my partner and I went through something similar. I would suggest continuing to gently and patiently communicate your concerns while hoping he sees the bigger picture and chooses a more considerate option 🍀

1mo ago

While I understand your concerns, I believe your husband may have his reasons for preferring the main bathroom. In my own experience, having personal preferences for certain spaces can contribute to comfort and routine; perhaps a compromise can be reached. A more flexible approach from both sides might lead to a satisfying resolution. Consider discussing specific times for bathroom use to accommodate everyone's needs.

1mo ago

i understand your frustration, but I rather disagree with your stance. in our home, we've had similar issues, and we found that compromising is key. "Utilizing different bathrooms can be a personal preference based on comfort," and his choice might not be as inconsiderate as it seems; after all, he could simply feel more relaxed there. it’s important to communicate and find a middle ground. maybe set a schedule or designate specific times..! I'm hoping you both can reach a mutual understanding 😊