Ditched for Brunch: A Relationship Dilemma

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Wednesday, 04 September 2024

The story

My girlfriend, Emily, and I have been sharing an apartment for about half a year. As someone swamped with work and life's incessant demands, I was genuinely excited about the prospect of spending an evening cooking and relaxing just with her. We had planned this since the weekend. Being the social butterfly she is, Emily had plans to go for brunch with her friends on Sunday morning at 11. I had everything timed to serve dinner by 6:30 PM, expecting her to be back in time, perhaps a bit tipsy from a mimosa or two, maybe even taking a short nap before dinner.

However, what was supposed to be a simple brunch morphed into a day-long bar-hopping event. Initially, Emily assured me via texts that she would be back in time for dinner. However, as the day progressed and her messages became increasingly slurred, my doubts grew. By 5 PM, I was getting the pasta ready; at 5:30, her Snapchat story revealed she was nowhere near home but taking shots at a bar in a different part of Chicago. I didn't want to be the nagging boyfriend, so I chose not to comment on it. Yet, annoyance was building up within me, especially since our special evening seemed to be slipping away.

By 6:30 PM, Emily hadn't returned. Checking her location, I found she was at yet another bar. Left to dine alone, I simply ate by myself and decided to spend the night playing PlayStation with my friends, storing the rest of the food in the fridge.

Emily stumbled in around 7:15 PM, visibly inebriated, and seemed puzzled at my gaming. When she inquired about dinner, I pointed out her tardiness and mentioned that although dinner was ready, it was now in the fridge and she could help herself if she felt like eating. Her response was a mix of a tipsy apology and a dismissive laugh, joking about the unpredictability of a "girl gang" brunch. After I told her I had made other plans, she called me rude and went off to sleep. To add insult to injury, she critiqued the look of the dinner I had prepared and ended up ordering Taco Bell.

The next day was marked by a tangible sense of passive aggressiveness from both sides.

In a reality show setting, the drama from this story would likely escalate dramatically. Cameras would amplify our facial expressions and reactions, capturing every detail of the emotional tension. The moment Emily walked through the door to find me not waiting with dinner but rather engaged in a video game could spark an on-camera blow-up. Confessionals would feature each of our perspectives, adding layers to the narrative. The audience would likely be divided; some might sympathize with my need to move on with the night after being stood up, while others could argue for more patience and flexibility in relationships.

Help me... am I wrong here? :)

What should I do about passive-aggressive gf?
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Points of view

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1mo ago

Oh, my dear, I do believe you might be overreacting here 😊!!!

It's crucial to understand the spontaneity and unpredictability that often accompanies social gatherings, especially among a group of friends; 🤷‍♂️ Emily merely extended her enjoyment and lost track of time—an honest mistake!!!

Life's too short to hold such trivial grudges, right?! In relationships, flexibility and understanding are paramount; as renowned author Stephen Covey stated, "Seek first to understand, then to be understood." 🎉 Criticizing her for being late despite her intent to return home isn't fair; Instead, why not cherish the moments you share? After all, she did try to communicate her whereabouts!!! Life's unexpected turns should be embraced, not resisted!!! 🥂

Always remember, "Adaptability is about the powerful difference between adapting to cope and adapting to win." 💪 Stay positive and keep your heart open, friend!!!

1mo ago

understanding and setting clear expectations is crucial in any relationship 😊

1mo ago

Your excitement for a special evening together was totally valid.... and it's a bummer that things didn't go as planned!!! emily should've been more mindful of your plans but hey, stuff happens 🤷‍♀️ it's essential to communicate and set expectations clearer next time.. it might help!!! things like these can be frustrating but every relationship has its ups and downs... keep the positive vibes and maybe talk it out calmly when everyone's sober and relaxed 🙌

keep your head up and focus on the good times too!!

1mo ago

Things don’t always go as planned in scheduling.... "flexibility is the key to stability" ya know; Emily didn't intentionally ditch you......

Brunches can extend and become day-long affairs; that's common..... and it's not like she ignored you completely... she even texted!!! maybe you could've been a bit more patient and understanding..... after all, everyone deserves some fun and sometimes plans change!!! try seeing it from her perspective; being rigid can create unnecessary tension...... communication and adaptability are vital in any relationship...