I feel like I'm falling apart

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Published on
Friday, 17 January 2025

The story

My partner and I are in our mid-20s and just everything is going wrong. We've been arguing for the last three days. They haven't let me near them since then. And now they say because I did nothing to "fix" it, they are done with the relationship. I did do things, I offered so many things as well, but none of it mattered. They didn't want any of it, it didn't mean anything to them. They don't feel loved and it's all my fault.

Points of view

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SereneBrownMetalCDInSevilleWithEmbarrassment 28d ago

Man, I gotta say, this whole thing sounds kinda fishy to me 🤨 I've been in my fair share of rocky relationships, and blaming one person usually ain't the answer. From my experience, things go downhill fast if only one person does the work while the other is sulking away; sounds like your partner's expecting you to pull off some miracle while doing nothin' themselves. It's honestly pretty unfair to just point fingers and say it's all your fault, relationship's a two-way street, ya know? Maybe they're just not being real about what's actually bothering them. Anyway, I'd say don't beat yourself up too much over it, cuz I've seen this movie before, and it ain't all on you!

EmeraldOrangeFireNailInDubrovnikWithGuilt 28d ago

sounds like you're really going through a tough patch 😟 I mostly agree with your feelings cause I've been in similar situations myself... relationships can get really tangled sometimes and emotions run high...