Mixed Signals: Was I Wrong for Moving On?

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Thursday, 06 June 2024

The story

We had been seeing each other for a year, and everything felt like we were a couple. He told me he loved me, and I felt the same. We spent every weekend together and even planned our first trip.

Last weekend, he was in bed, and I made him pancakes because his birthday was on Tuesday. He was thrilled and joked that I was spoiling him. I said I wanted to spoil my man. He responded, "I’m not your man," with a smile on his face. I thought he was kidding and replied, "Yeah, I know you’re not my man." But then he got serious and said, "No, really, I’m not your boyfriend." I felt sick but tried to stay calm. I asked what we were, and he said, "I don’t know. Really great friends with benefits?" I didn’t say anything, and he ate his pancakes in silence. Later, he asked if we were doing anything, and I said I was planning to clean and do paperwork. He left after an hour. I ran to the bathroom, threw up, and cried for two hours. I couldn’t keep anything down the rest of the day. He texted that evening, thanking me for breakfast in bed and saying I was “amazing,” but I didn’t reply, so he called a few times. I didn’t answer. Around 10 PM, he showed up at my door. I pretended to be sick with the flu and was going to bed. He offered to stay the night, but I said no.

I ignored him on Sunday and Monday and didn’t wish him a happy birthday on Tuesday. I kept my texts short, pretending to be sick. He never brought up what he said. Yesterday, he wrote that he missed me and hadn’t gone this long without talking to me since we met and that he was going mad. He asked if we could have dinner. I said I was very busy. He asked if I missed him, and I said I was tired because I was out all night with a guy and wanted to relax alone. He stopped replying. He showed up 15 minutes later, asking if I was lying. I wasn’t. I told him we weren’t a couple, so I was free to do whatever. He said I broke his heart and cheated on him and called me an asshole. I waited for him to leave before crying again.

He’s right; we never had the “talk.” I just assumed we were together because I loved him and thought he felt the same. But if we aren’t together, why was he upset that I slept with someone else? Was I the asshole? Was it cheating?

Imagine if this played out on a reality show. How would people react? Would they think he’s the bad guy for leading me on, or would they see me as the one in the wrong? How do you think the audience would respond?

Points of view

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4mo ago

you’re not wrong at all, he was sending mixed signals and it’s not fair to you...

Author 4mo ago

thanks for the comment, appreciate the support. yeah, it was a pretty confusing situation, you know? like, one minute he's saying he loves me, and the next he's dropping the bomb that we're just friends with benefits. total mixed signals, man.

i get that maybe i should've had the "talk" with him earlier, but still, it hurts, you know? feeling like you're in a serious thing and then finding out it's not what you thought. it's a tough pill to swallow.

but hey, live and learn, right? gotta communicate better next time and make sure we're on the same page. no hard feelings, just hoping for some clarity in the future. thanks for understanding.

4mo ago

hey, so like i read that whole story you posted and just gotta say, it's pretty messed up, man. like, the dude telling her they're just "really great friends with benefits" after a whole year? that's cold, bro. she really got blindsided there, you know? i mean, she was making him breakfast in bed and all, thinking they're a couple. total miscommunication vibes going on, for sure.

i can kinda see where he's coming from, not having the "talk" and all. but still, dude could've been a little more upfront, you know what i mean? and then getting all upset when she goes out with someone else? that's not cool. like, you can't have your cake and eat it too, bro.

if this was on a reality show, i bet the audience would be torn, for real. some might think he's the bad guy for leading her on, while others might see her as jumping the gun. it's a sticky situation, no doubt. but at the end of the day, communication is key. gotta talk things out, lay it all on the table, so no one gets hurt. not cool to leave someone hanging like that, man.

2mo ago

the lack of explicit communication in this story is concerning, as assumptions often lead to misunderstandings and heartache. it is imperative for individuals involved in intimate relationships to engage in transparent dialogues to establish mutual understanding and expectations. the failure to define the nature of their relationship resulted in a disheartening turn of events for the protagonist. moving forward, it is crucial for both parties to express their intentions explicitly to prevent similar situations in the future.

these lessons, albeit painful, can serve as valuable insights for fostering healthier and more honest connections in subsequent encounters.