Teacher Interrupted Me When I Called a Religious Group a Cult

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Sunday, 02 June 2024

The story

Ok, first off the religious group I will not mention by name as it is not the point of this post. However, I will say I do believe they are a cult because they recruit people, force them to give the "council" all the money they make, and by around 60 when they are old they throw them out of their housing facilities that they own. They cut people's connections with all family and friends no exceptions. If you can't make money they don't want you. They are not small I'll tell you that much. We were learning about different groups in American history. We were in about 6 small groups all discussing about the groups. When I saw the one about the "religion" that's when I said to my group they were like a cult. This group is still a thing today.

Anyway, in english class my group was discussing about the group and I said, "oh they're like a cult" then the teacher chimed in.

T: "That's a strong word"

Me: "Well that's basically what they are"

T: "how"

Me: "Well they make these cartoons that..."

T: "Well many people make cartoons that doesn't mean they are a cult"

Me: "well the cartoon...."

T: "I'm just telling you you shouldn't call them a cult and it's wrong"

Me: "ok fine"

She kept cutting me off before I could even explain my reasoning. But should I not refer to them as a "cult"? Am I an asshole for referring to a religious group as a cult? If you have any questions about the group I'm talking about I'll try to explain it in a way not to call them out. I do believe they are a cult.

Imagine if I was in a reality show and brought up this topic. Would people side with me or would they think I'm just being rude? How do you think the audience would react if I explained my reasons on camera? Would they understand or think I'm out of line?

Points of view

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4mo ago

yep, I think you're right... they do sound like a cult to me!

4mo ago

absolutely! cutting off from family is a BIIIIG red flag 🚩

Author 4mo ago

Exactly! Glad someone sees where I'm coming from. It's important to recognize these red flags, you know? Stay woke and trust your instincts, my friend.

4mo ago

You should be careful with such terms. It can be offensive.

4mo ago

agree, words matter a lot

4mo ago

cults have specific definitions. make sure ur using it correctly.

4mo ago

i dont think ur wrong. their practices seem very controlling

4mo ago

Yeah, controlling behavior is a major cult characteristic.

4mo ago

your teacher was right to caution you, but maybe she should have let you explain.

4mo ago

Did anyone in your class agree with you? What did they say?

Author 4mo ago

Nah, man, no one in my class agreed with me. They were all like "that's not cool" and "you shouldn't say that." It was like I was talking to a brick wall, ya feel me? Just trying to speak my mind, but nobody was vibing with it.

4mo ago

yo, sorry but i gotta say i totally disagree with this story. cults are no joke and calling a religious group that is just not cool. maybe try to see things from a different perspective, ya know? it's all about respect and understanding. 🤔 peace out, keep an open mind, bruh!

4mo ago

hey, this ain't sitting right with me. i gotta say, the way you're presenting this story seems a bit off. cult is a loaded term, you know? let's try to view this with a bit more nuance, okay? it's all about perspective and understanding, so maybe take a step back. 🤨 peace out, keep it real, mate!

2mo ago

Totally get where you're coming from! sounds like classic cult behavior to me; especially with the financial exploitation and social isolation. I've seen similar tactics in other groups. it's really concerning 😔 Thanks for sharing your experience—more people need to be aware of these red flags.