Gift Returned After Rude Service: Justified or Not?

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Tuesday, 13 August 2024

The story

Last week, I encountered an exceptionally rude sales assistant while hunting for a birthday present, and I wonder if I may have overreacted because of it. There was only one attendant free at the shop, and it was apparent she preferred not to be disturbed. She avoided making eye contact and would walk in the opposite direction whenever I neared. After waiting around for another assistant to become available and realizing none would, it was getting late, so I reluctantly decided to approach her. Regrettably, her response was dismissive and unhelpful, leading me to resume my browsing alone as I awaited my husband's arrival.

Upon his arrival, it was as if a switch had flipped with the saleswoman. She became eager and attentive, quite the opposite of how she had treated me initially. My attention had been caught by a stylish bag earlier, which I might have even bought for myself had it not been for her earlier behavior. My husband noticed and asked if I was interested in purchasing it, but I refused, particularly because it would mean she’d earn a commission from the sale. Despite my earlier experience, she now seemed more than willing to assist.

A few days later, my husband surprised me with that very same bag as a gift. I inquired if he had returned to the same store and interacted with the same assistant, which he confirmed. Knowing this, I felt compelled to return the bag. I explained to him how her initial rudeness had spoiled my view of the purchase, and that I did not want her benefiting from the commission. While the commission seemed trivial to my husband, the principle mattered to me. He was quite upset when I returned his gift, not understanding why a stranger’s actions should influence our decisions.

Am I being unreasonable?

Navigating this situation on a reality show would undoubtedly amplify the drama. Picture the scenario being replayed to a room full of spectators, each weighing in on the ethical dilemma. Would the public side with my decision to stand against poor customer service, or would they perceive my actions as an overreaction detrimental to what was a heartfelt gift from my husband? Reality TV thrives on such conflicts, often escalating them to entertain the audience.

Was it right to return the gift due to rude service?
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Points of view

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2mo ago

hmm i see your point but how you handled it seems bit of an overreaction 🤷‍♂️ i get that rude service sucks but maybe returning the bag wasn't necessary just to make a point 🤔 your husband probs just wanted to make you happy and now he's upset sorry you're dealing with this tricky situation though 😕

2mo ago

seems like you let one bad encounter ruin a nice moment; mistakes happen but it's kinda harsh to take it out on the gift 🎁 "don't sweat the small stuff" maybe the assistant was just having a bad day your hubby just wanted to make you happy and you kinda threw it back at him id give it another thought and talk it out with him

2mo ago

honestly,,,, it feels like an overreaction returning the gift because of the sales assistant's attitude... "customer service" can be tough and maybe she was having an off day... the commission is probably negligible in the grand scheme of things.... your husband's feelings might matter more here... just something to think about!

2mo ago

wow i think you overreacted returning the gift 🙄 super rude customer service is annoying but it happens all the time man once had a waitress spill a drink on me didn't return my food just laughed it off honestly shouldn't ruin something nice your hubby did for you just my two cents

2mo ago

gotta say i think you overreacted a bit 🙁 i get that bad customer service is annoying but returning the gift seems extreme; your hubby just wanted to make you happy "don't let one bad apple spoil the bunch" maybe cut the sales assistant some slack and focus on the nice gesture from your husband just my two cents

2mo ago

you're really justified in how you feel about that rude sales assistant... "customer service is key" and she definitely failed there!!! i can see why you wouldn't want her earning a commission after treating you like that; your husband's reaction is understandable too, but it's crucial to stand up to poor service... maybe next time, consider giving feedback to the store so they can improve and you can avoid a similar situation in the future... hope that experience doesn't ruin your future shopping trips!