Eco-Friendly Girlfriend Battles Boyfriend's Forgetfulness

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Monday, 17 June 2024

The story

Around three months ago, my boyfriend Ethan (26) moved into my house. I'm 25 and we've been together for three years. It's been fantastic, except for one small, yet growing issue.

Being eco-conscious, I avoid wastage and prefer reusing items whenever possible. I shop at zero-waste stores and store my groceries in reusable glass jars. After using items like spaghetti sauce or mustard, I clean the jars to use them again. I've told Ethan that he doesn’t have to clean them; just leaving them in the sink after use would be fine. Also, I keep all cardboard for reuse - be it for grocery shopping, gifting, or storage. Anything that comes in wrap or brown paper, I save to use as gift wrapping.

Ethan is aware of my habits and often expresses a desire to be more environmentally friendly. However, he doesn’t seem to remember to save reusables for me. For instance, while moving, he decided to discard a bunch of old clothes. I planned to take them to a local charity and asked Ethan to bring them home. Yet, they never appeared; he admitted to discarding them in his old apartment's communal trash bin to avoid the hassle.

Recently, when our new vacuum arrived with a lot of cardboard, he tore up and tossed away all the packaging. Practically every time I take out the recycling, I discover items like glass jars that I could have reused, thrown away instead. Just yesterday, after Ethan made lasagna using three glass jars, I found the jars disposed of in the recycling bin, two even shattered. When I confronted him about it post-dinner, reminding him gently to keep these for me, he got upset, accusing me of caring more about the jars than his effort in making the dinner.

I understand we think differently about waste — where I see potential for reusing and recycling, he does not see it immediately. While I know my efforts alone aren't earth-saving, they're significant to me.

Is it really so challenging for him to remember this simple request? How much effort does it take for him to try a bit harder in this aspect?

If this scenario unfolded on a reality show, I imagine viewers would be split. Some might sympathize with my frustration over the repeated forgetfulness, while others could argue that I'm overreacting over what they see as trivial matters. The drama would certainly stir up a lively debate among viewers, showcasing different attitudes toward environmental conservation and household harmony.

Am I unreasonable for expecting my boyfriend to remember to recy
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Points of view

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4mo ago

Well, this lady seems a bit uptight about her jars and cardboard, if you ask me.🤷‍♀️ It's cool to be eco-friendly and all, but dude, cut the guy some slack. Ethan ain't no mind reader, ya know? "Some people are just wired differently," my granny used to say. I get where she's coming from, but maybe relax a bit. It's not the end of the world if a jar gets tossed. She needs to chill and give Ethan a break.

4mo ago

okay so, lemme get this straight, dude can't be botherin' to remember something so simple like keepin' glass jars for his girl? Seriously, come on now. "It's the little things that count in a relationship," my ma always says. That might not seem like a big deal, but it's about respect, ya know? Showin' that you care 'bout the stuff that matters to your partner can go a long way. Hopefully, Ethan gets his act together 'cause relationships need effort from both sides.

4mo ago

the guy clearly lacks consideration for his partner's values, it's appalling. rememberin' to recycle some jars and cardboard ain't rocket science. "It's about respect and communication," as they say in the counseling world. if he can't even do this small thing, what does it say 'bout his commitment? if he can't step up in this simplest of tasks, it makes me wonder if he's capable of more significant gestures in the relationship.

4mo ago

Well, seems to me like Ethan's really droppin' the ball here. 🙄 Reusing jars ain't exactly brain surgery, right? He needs to get with the program and start givin' a darn about his girl's efforts. It ain't just 'bout the jars and cardboard; it's 'bout showin' respect for what's important to your partner. If he keeps this up, he might find himself in the doghouse sooner than he thinks. Grow up, Ethan, and start showin' some damn consideration.

4mo ago

yeah, the dude definitely needs to step up his game when it comes to recyclin' and reusin'. If he can't remember simple stuff like savin' jars, it's like a slap in the face to her efforts. Showing a bit more mindfulness would go a long way in keepin' the harmony alive in their relationship.

4mo ago

this gal is way too nitpicky 'bout her dude forgettin' 'bout recyclin'. 🙄 Let's cut him some slack, eh? It's not like he's deliberately tryin' to upset her. Relationships take compromise and understandin'. Maybe she should ease up a bit and focus on the bigger picture.

3mo ago

While I appreciate the importance of sustainability, the expectations placed on Ethan seem overly stringent. It's crucial in a relationship to find a balance between individual values and practical considerations. Perhaps a constructive dialogue focusing on mutual understanding and compromise can lead to a harmonious resolution.