Choosing My Wife Over Family Dinner Drama

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Friday, 16 August 2024

The story

In my family, ever since my father was young, we've maintained the tradition of holding more formal monthly family dinners. As children, my siblings and I always looked forward to these gatherings, which included our grandparents. When we all grew up, the tradition evolved to involve our spouses and our children, making it a grander and more inclusive affair. By the time I was 19, our family decided to rotate the hosting duties among us each month to share the responsibility more equally.

My wife initially was enthusiastic about joining these dinners. She even took over the cooking duties from me sometime after we started dating because she was keen to contribute. Initially, my family seemed to get along well with her, but I soon noticed a troubling pattern. They were overly critical of her cooking, despite her efforts to please everyone - a sentiment not shared by my two younger siblings. I tried to stand up for her, suggesting they be more appreciative, but their retort was always that she needed to improve her culinary skills. Despite her efforts to make dishes that everyone typically liked, nothing seemed to satisfy them.

A couple of months ago, I concocted a plan to expose their bias. I suggested to my wife that we pretend I was the one who had cooked the meal, just to see their reaction. She reluctantly agreed, suspecting that their issues were more personal than about her cooking skills. As predicted, when they thought I was behind the dishes, they showered praises on the food, noting how refreshing it was to enjoy such well-prepared dishes. My younger siblings knew the truth and found it interesting to watch the scenario unfold. However, when it was revealed that it was actually my wife who had cooked, my family tried awkwardly to retract their compliments, leading to an uncomfortable silence for the rest of the evening. This incident opened my wife’s eyes to the real situation, and I affirmed that her well-being was more important than these family dinners. We agreed to sometimes have meals just with my younger siblings, which was less stressful overall.

After we missed the last two dinners, questions arose from my parents and other siblings. Despite my explanations, they couldn't understand our absence and insisted on our presence. They accused me of overreacting and harming my relationships within the family. They even brought up potential future children, suggesting they would miss out on family traditions. My wife felt guilty about the situation, but I reassured her that it was not her fault.

Am I wrong for prioritizing my wife's dignity over family tradition? How might this situation have played out if it were part of a reality show? Perhaps cameras capturing every reaction and confession might have amplified the drama, leading to a public outcry against my family’s bias or maybe sparking a nationwide discussion on family dynamics and the power struggles within.

The story in video

Would I quit family dinners due to this treatment?
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Points of view

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2mo ago

Wow, this story is quite something!!!! 😲 I absolutely support the way you handled it, bro!! 💪 Family traditions are important but not at the cost of someone's dignity…. There's gotta be mutual respect.. Your wife did her best and it's clear the issue was never really her cooking.. More like they had some personal grudge or something.. 🙄

You were smart to expose the bias… 👏 That must have been super awkward for them, but it was needed!!! Now, prioritizing your wife's well-being is totally fair. Your family should understand that.. Hopefully, with time, they might get the message and change their attitudes….

Hang in there.. Family dynamics can be tricky, but you’re doing the right thing by sticking by your wife's side!!! Keep your head up and stay positive…… It’ll work out eventually.. 👫💛

2mo ago

totally get it, man!!!! family traditions are cool but not at the expense of someone's dignity; your wife's cooking was judged unfairly…… i would be mad too if my family did that to my partner 😡 it's super lame they couldn't appreciate her effort….. i remember when my girlfriend was criticized for the way she decorated our apartment.... it felt so unfair!!! anyway, you did the right thing standing by her... can't always please everyone in the fam..... keep doing what you’re doing, bro!!!