Family Land Drama: Keeping Peace or Selling Out?

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Monday, 11 November 2024

The story

While reviewing house blueprints for a submission to the town hall, I was startled by a question from my wife. We have a piece of land in Minnesota— an acre, planned for a house with four bedrooms: one for us, one for each of our two children, and an extra as a game room. Unexpectedly, she asked, "Where will my family stay?"

She had previously assured her family that they'd be moving in with us, which I never agreed to, and her sudden accusation that I only think about myself caught me off guard. Now, she's so upset that she's considering selling the land just to make a statement.

Let me provide some background here. The land is co-owned by both my wife and myself, bought with the life insurance money received after the tragic loss of our one-year-old daughter in 2021. Since then, I've secured employment with a federal government contractor in manufacturing, which has been very beneficial for us.

Her family does not possess any legal claims or rights over our property. Recently, I was contacted by the town's registrar concerning some queries about "ownership change" for our plot. To clarify, we have two parcels of land. I even suggested selling one of the plots to her siblings at the current market rate, but she refused.

When it comes to financing, I will be covering the costs of the house. I also mentioned constructing an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) for her family, but stated they would need to pay rent at the standard market rate— approximately $900 per room. However, she turned down this proposal as well.

I'm now considering a drastic measure: moving my share of the land into a trust benefiting our children, with specific directives that only direct descendants can build and reside there.

Am I wrong here? It feels like I’m trying to find a fair compromise, but nothing seems to satisfy.

If my dilemma were on a reality TV show, the audience might be split. Some might sympathize with my wife's desire to keep her family close, especially after such a profound loss like ours. Others might side with me, seeing the steps I'm taking to secure a stable and structured environment for our immediate family, while still providing reasonable options for additional familial support. The discussions and debates would likely stir quite a reaction!

What should I do about the family land issue?

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SizzlingMagentaMetalCurtainsInAbuDhabiWithContentment 3mo ago

ugh, this is a mess!!! 😤 I kinda get where you're comin' from... like, you bought the land and had plans, right??? why's she tryin' to turn it into a hotel for her fam???? sounds chaotic to me!!! my buddy went through the same thing, his in-laws practically moved in without askin' 🤯 you're right to protect your assets!!! putting it in a trust is smart, man... gotta think ahead in this real estate game!!!! but dude, communication's key!!! her poppin' this surprise ain't helpin'... those folks should chill and not expect a free ride on your property!!! keep your guard up!!! 🤔