I think my mom needs help
The story
Last night, we had a family reunion and I was already kind of in a bad mood since my had taken a nap bc of a hang over she still have from last night (she's a bit of an alchoholic) and overslept which caused us to be late to the dinner. once we reached the place we sat down and she started getting a little drunk agaiin thanks to the alchohol served, she started saying things (as she does when she's drunk) about me; like this waiter who looked a little older than me an make a living while i'm over here always cooped up in my room all the time(huh i wonder why); she also made some unnecessary comments about my dress (i asked her for help prior to the diner but she told me she didn't know and waved me off), i get that this was drunk talk and i shouldn't take it seriously but when it comes from someone who conributed in creating you it kinda hurts a little y'know? and then she started comparing to my cousins(average parent protocol atp)
and then it was time for a family group photo. I don't like to take photos that often so i tend to just scoot to the very edge of the group, and unfortunatley i was next ot her. She grabbed my waist which kinda scared me and i shved her away and then she started pulling me harder andlike digging her nails and screaming at me and i just got really stressed out. she would usually like swing an arm around me and all duirng group ohotos but never grab me which was whwy i kinda reacted that way. I know that i should'nt have acted out (especially in public like that) but i ws just really stressed at the time.
and after that she wasn't done with me yet and continuedscreaming at me saying that "i'm you're mother i should be allowed to touch you" and i told her that she grabbed me and it hurt a lot and she kept on denying that (keep in mind she's still drunk) and then this continues (by then i havd already put my earphones in so i could't here much of her slander) and even after the reunion she's still fighting with me. she gets up all ino my face which pissed me off (by thenim tired and just want he to shut up becasue she's etremely drunk by now).
and she's still fighting with me untilwe get into the car, my dad leaves us for us to settle down while he go finds the other family members to help them find their car and she starts hitting me, and my little brother is caught in between and i just wanted to pull him outta there because he was clearly stressed from the noise and trying to settle it down and my mom was grabbing him and isolating him from me it really hurt. she slapped me and made me hit my head a lot but at that point i was kinda numb for physical pain. i gave my little brother my earphones so he would have something to at least dronw out the noise.
and the things that when we were fighting i would say smt like "why do you hit me so much?" and she would say "you hate me! you don't love me!", and when i was rrying to explain she was making me uncomfortable whenn she grabbed me and i dont know what kinda mental gymnastics did she have to do to get from that to "i'm a danger to you!" "cal the police and arrest me!" "I'm a horrible mother!" "you're not a part of this family if i'm dangerous to you!"
i apologised for acting out in public when i probably shoulve' just sucked it up as she said and what not since everytime we take a rgoup photo she slings her arm around me (thats probably th eonly time we touchaso yeah that probably just gave me a headachre worse than when she shoved me into the car window. the way she grabbed my brother probably hurt the most tbh, i vowed to myself that i'd protect him and keep him safe from my parents but i just made things os much worse for him. and even after when my dad came bac did she stop saying anything, but once we got back she only continued. she strated hitting me more and screaming and repeating everything and she tore down the rack filled of things i genuinely care about. by then my dad came up and told her to stop and brought her away. i huddled up in the corner i think and started idk, becoming two people, i needed to clean up the mess she made but i also just wanted to sit there and rest, but i cleaned anyways while my parents fought outside. i heard something along the lines of "just go to sleep" (it was 2am) and that was it for then. after i finished cleaning my mom came back and started to scream at me again and getting me up agaiinst the wall and blocking my way when i was trying to do things, she pulled the "im a terrible mother" card and shoved her phone in my face trying ot get me to cal the police, it made me sick tbh, i apolohised again for the same thing just in case she forgot but also asked for my own since she kinda did hit me and onvade my personal space but she just huffed and she went back to her room (this actually made her look kinda like a kid which was a little unsettling per say)
and in the next 15 minutes she came back again to contonue screaming. she kept on grabbing and clawwing at my shoulder and wasit and generally just taunting me to "call the police" as she kept on saying. it honesty just gavenme the headache.
i know that during all that i was being as calm as i could possibly, letting her scream at me and what not. i was prettys sure she was drunk so i started making light of the sitautions like singing random meme audious or just making my own jokes to myself like if she was sticking her finger into my face i would go "wait, they dont loveme like i love you" (keep in mind it was 3am at that point and i cant say i was thinking straight either)
and eventually it got so bad because she wouldn't let me walk or have my own personal spcae (that i really like) that i went down, with my laptop to study for a test i have where my dad was watching tv thinking my mom wqas asleep. he asked me why i was still awake and coming down and at that point i just kinda broke down, and he went up and told her to stop repeated and harrasing me and all that. i couldn't sleep but i didn't feel like thinking at all, i just wanted to lay on the floor and breathe. my parents were fighting till maybe 4? im not toos ure sincei put on my headphones so silence it out. so yeah thats pretty much it but theres a few things that i wanna say about this:
- wheneve i tried to say something she would interrupt or she wouldn't take a single thing i said to consideration and pull out her own version of what i said and reply to that instead (probably bc of the alchohol)
- she would follow me around and grab me and taunt me and putting her face/finger/phone in my face which i think has just given me major claustrophobia
- she pulled the "i fought with your dad for you to go to a good school" card a lot but whenever it was just me or my dad, he woul always make sure i had the things i needed for school and always wanted to know i was happy or not, she's been pulling this card since i was idk, 5? and now that i think about it, someone who was againts giivng me a good education wouldn't want to further contribute to that no? she also said that she had to fight for me to have my own room which was also weird, idk who to trust anymore because it's not llike i can jyst ask my dad. but if she's lying then i think that she probabl had some delirious dream that was so vivid she belived it was true or maybe my dad actually didn't want me to have a good education but that would be really weird, but then again maybe he still doesn't believe in it but has no choice since he's already given in.
someone please tell me if this is normal and that i'm just being dramatic and that my teenager hormones are acting up

Am i overreacting?
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Points of view
wow... what a train wreck!! 😬 honestly, sounds like your mom needs to lay off the sauce... like, who does that to their own kid??? your story is legit painful to read, not just cause of the bad grammar but cause of the crazy drama!!! i get it tho, parents can seriously drive you nuts sometimes... reminds me of my own fam reunions: total chaos, ugh 😒
you ain't acting dramatic, dude... anyone would freak if their mom's pulling that kind of "i'm your mother" garbage & acting loco 🤦♂️ personal space is a real thing; get a clue, mom!!! all that yelling and hitting??? so not normal!! just shows how messed up things are at home... makes me wonder why your dad ain't stepping in sooner???
the way she twists your words??? classic manipulation!!! 😡 reminds me of how my ex would do the same... stay strong, you deserve better than this circus!!! honestly, hope things look up for you... hang in there!!! 💪
1mo agoI totally get what you're saying. That situation's a mess, for sure. Her behavior is way out of line.. hitting and screaming is just not okay. Your comment about the personal space issue hit home. Boundaries are crucial, and it's baffling how she ignores that with the "i'm your mother" excuse. Makes thing sound toxic, honestly.
Her word-twisting? Manipulation tactics, plain and simple. Reminds me of some past experiences I've had; it's draining. I agree that the dad should step up and mediate more in these scenarios. Hang in there and stay strong... you didn't deserve this at all :(
well... that sounds like quite a predicament!!! 😐 your mom's behavior is totally out of line.... seriously not cool... i completely get where you're coming from.... having a parent act like that is rough.... parent units should be supportive, not turning everything into a drama fest... and confronting you in public??? major cringe....
i can’t even imagine dealing with that sorta stress... especially with everything else in life... yep, parents can be something else... it's pretty normal to feel all mixed up... keep your head up though... prioritizing personal well-being in this chaos is crucial....
seems like maybe she needs to realize boundaries are a thing, ya know??? very uncool how she twisted your words and created drama.... similar vibes happened to me once, gets old real quick.... wishing you strength navigating through this... you got this!!! ✌️
1mo agototally agree with you on this..... having parents who can't respect boundaries is a real problem... reminds me of what Maya Angelou said, "We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty." her actions seem to lack understanding of personal growth... your words about prioritizing personal well-being really hit home....
maybe it's time your mom gets a reality check!!! sometimes people just need to back off and let others breathe a little... yeah, boundaries are there for a reason and can't just be bulldozed over... stay strong and keep pushing for what feels right,,, in the end, you gotta take care of yourself... you've got this!!!!! keep moving forward and things might just turn around soon enough!! 😊
I must respectfully disagree with your perspective on this matter. Life offers numerous challenges, and family dynamics can be intricate; however, it is vital to maintain a hopeful outlook.
While it seems your mother’s actions were distressing, it’s crucial to consider alternative viewpoints. Communication and empathy could perhaps bridge these tumultuous gaps. Families often go through rough patches, but they also have the opportunity to evolve and strengthen.
Approach this situation with optimism and a mindset geared towards resolution. Believe in your ability to navigate these familial complexities gracefully; the potential for positive transformation is immense.
Hey, I totally get that things were tough, but maybe try to see it from her side too. Families fight a lot, but they can work things out over time. My family has had its share of drama, but we talked it through. Sometimes people do stuff they don't mean when emotions run high.
Maybe she just needs some support from you guys. Try to keep an open mind and see where you can help. It might get better in the long run. 😊
honestly dude, your story sounds intense, but it kinda feels like you might be blowin things way out of proportion!!! like, yeah, parents can be frustrating, but sometimes you gotta pick your battles; maybe your mom was just having a rough day??? who knows, right!!!
yeah, she was drunk, but everyone messes up sometimes, doesn't mean it's always a big bad thing. when my folks get annoying, i just try to keep my head down and not make it worse... maybe you could try just letting things cool down before reacting.
i get that it's stressful, but life ain't always gonna be perfect and you gotta learn to roll with the punches... families have ups and downs, man, and you gotta sometimes just take a step back... maybe look for a middle ground instead of calling everything a disaster. 🤷♂️