My screwed up genes
The story
TW: Suicide and SA
How do I even start this? My parents screwed me over. I got my mom's anxiety, and my dad's depression and addiction. I didn't learn about any of this until it was too late. I have struggled with anxiety and depression for years, and the addiction gene just feeds of that shit. My parents treat my sister like shit and they fight a lot and vent to me about everyone and everything, so the addiction just moves me to another place in my mind. The first addiction I ever had was to hurting myself, and that nearly put me in the hospital. But I was getting help and had a couple good months, so I thought I was ok. But I didn't focus on the other problem developing. At first it was fine, but now I get blackout or close to blackout drunk every weekend (sometimes during the week), and I just want to stop, but I am surrounded by it all the time. I go to a party school and all my friends like to drink. I don't feel forced to drink, it just gives me an excuse to.
One time when I was out and drinking with friends, I was SA'ed. I had never been more disappointed in myself in my life and I wanted to disappear. Instead of taking the chance to make this a learning lesson, I continued to make horrible decisions. Only a few people know, but they only know parts. I told them that I only remember what he looked like and not his name, which is a lie. During the attack, I sobered up a bit, and I remember almost everything. I look over my shoulder a lot, hoping my past mistake doesn't come back to haunt me.
After a couple months, I hadn't gotten my period since the attack, and I was so fucking scared. I didn't speak or see any of my friends for 4 days, until after I took the test. The worst part of the whole week was the realization that I was not pregnant. At first, I had never been so relieved, but now I just feel like something is missing. I look at myself and I can feel apart of me missing. I don't know if it's the innocence I lost from that night, or what could have been.
I just got back from a trip with friends, and none of them really suspect anything of what I have been feeling. And I feel like a terrible person for feeling like this, because I should be happy and shit, but I'm not. This is not the worst I have ever felt, but it is close. I always thought I would grow up to be someone my past self would admire, but I think now I would just scare her.
I want to be not human for a bit. I want to take away my feelings, just for a time. Would that everything worse, probably. But at this point, I just want God to take away my pain.

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Points of view
Wow, I just want to take a moment to acknowledge how incredibly strong you are for sharing this. It sounds like you've been carrying a lot, and I can only imagine how tough that must be. Please know that your worth isn’t defined by your family’s choices or circumstances—you are so much more than your genetics. You deserve love, support, and understanding, and I truly hope you find people who uplift and appreciate you for who you are. Sending you a big virtual hug and hoping you find peace and healing on your journey. 💙
totally hear you on this!!!! it's tough dealing with all that stuff 😔 mental health challenges and addiction are serious issues and it's important to acknowledge them; like you said in your story sometimes we just want the pain to go away but you know "there's always light at the end of the tunnel" 🕯️ it's great you're sharing because talking about these issues is part of healing if you can try checking out cognitive-behavioral therapy or support groups might be helpful!!! lots of people have been in similar boats and found their way through keep your chin up things can get better 🌟
hey i see what you're saying but i just can't roll with it 😕 there's so much more to life than getting stuck in a negative loop like this; sometimes you gotta take a step back and look for the silver lining! it might be a cliche but it's true that "every day is a new beginning"... if you try something different, you might see things can get better!!! making small changes can lead to big time improvements!
hang in there, there's always hope!