how to get out of bed? 😅
The story
Bro, I swear, I used to be the hustle guy. You know, the dude waking up at 5 AM, hitting the gym, drinking coffee like it was holy water, grinding 12-hour days like I was building the next Amazon. And then I actually did it. Well, not Amazon, but I sold my company, made a nice chunk of cash, and now… I have nothing to do. Like, literally nothing. No deadlines, no urgent emails, no clients screaming at me. Just me, my bed, and the crippling realization that I have absolutely zero reason to get up before noon. And let me tell you, once your alarm clock stops being a life-or-death situation, waking up early becomes the hardest thing in the world. Like, what am I even waking up for? To stare at my ceiling? To scroll Instagram until I question every life choice I ever made? To drink coffee out of boredom instead of necessity? Nah man, my bed is too comfortable for that nonsense. 😴
At first, I told myself it was just a phase, you know? "Take some time off, relax, recharge," all that good stuff. But now? It’s been months, and I have officially entered pajama gremlin mode. My sleep schedule is so messed up that I’m basically nocturnal. I wake up, maybe make a smoothie if I’m feeling ambitious, then somehow the next thing I know it’s 3 PM, and I’ve accomplished nothing except opening 25 Wikipedia tabs about ancient civilizations and debating if I should start a podcast. And don’t even get me started on productivity hacks. I tried setting alarms—snoozed them all. I tried putting my phone across the room—ended up sleeping on the couch so I wouldn’t have to get up. I even tried the whole “just get up and make your bed” thing, but turns out, if you never get up, the bed stays made forever. Life hack? 🤷
And look, I’m not depressed or anything, I’m actually in a great mood most of the time. But there’s just this weird meh feeling when you have no goals left to chase. It’s like playing a video game where you already beat the final boss, so now you’re just wandering around the map, opening random chests for fun. I even considered starting a new business just to have something to do, but the thought of investor meetings and spreadsheets again makes me wanna hibernate permanently. Plus, what would I even start? "Sleepy CEO Coaching"? "How to Wake Up Late and Still Succeed"? 😂 Nah, man. Maybe I just need a new hobby or something. People say “travel the world”, but traveling alone sounds suspiciously like a lot of effort, and I’m pretty sure I’d just end up sleeping in different time zones instead.
So yeah, how to get out of bed? No clue. If you got tips that don’t involve waking up at ungodly hours or having an existential crisis, let me know. Until then, I’ll just be here, vibing in my blankets, waiting for life to give me a reason to put on pants again. 😆

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Points of view
honestly, I've been exactly where you're at, man. the struggle of finding motivation when there's seemingly nothing driving you is so real. i totally feel you on just vibing in bed, waiting for something compelling enough to happen to make you want to get up. i mean, isn't it like "the struggle is real" for a reason? there was a period in my life when I had finished a big project and suddenly had all this free time, but instead of feeling liberated, i just felt... lost. 😅 it sounds great on paper, but without that 9-to-5 grind, days just blur together. my buddy once said you can't live just hitting the snooze button on life, but damn if it isn't tempting when the world beyond the covers feels all meh. do you ever just think maybe human nature ain't really built for endless downtime? anyway, i'm sure you'll figure it out eventually, even if right now it feels like a low-key existential crisis on repeat.
I would like to have the same "problem": not needing to work anymore, how lucky you are...
I get what you're saying, and trust me, I know it's a nice problem to have for sure. 😅 but it's funny how things work out, right? when you're in the grind, all you can think about is getting to the point where you don't need to wake up early or chase deadlines. But now that I'm here, I realize it's like I've got all this freedom, yet I’m just spinning my wheels.
Guess it’s one of those 'grass is always greener on the other side' situations. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful, but the lack of structure somehow makes it tricky to find new purpose.
It's a weird place to be, but who knows, maybe it’s just part of the journey...
9h agoSorry for the comment, everyone has their own problems, even the rich! 😉
I completely identify with the sentiments expressed in the story. The challenge of adjusting to a life devoid of the familiar pressures of work is indeed quite profound. It is fascinating, yet slightly unsettling, how the absence of an urgent need to rise early can transform the simplest task of getting out of bed into a seemingly monumental effort. There is an underlying irony in the way that the freedom, once so desired, now presents itself as an obstacle to motivation. This story truly captures the enigmatic nature of having reached a point where goals have been met, only to find oneself in a state of reflection and uncertainty. It raises genuine questions about how individuals can navigate this uncharted territory of abundant free time while seeking newfound purpose.