The story
Hello. I just been wanting to get a lot of stuff of my chest lately. Not much people I can talk to about. Actually, none.
I envy a lot of people. People who have their life together, people who are able to express theirselves freely, people who are productive. People. I cant seem to be the best version of myself. How hard I try. To put it short, I am a lazy, priviliged, selfish person. I put a mask on to fit in society, maybe to feel properly loved. It seems even they dont want my mask. I wanna give up. Why is it so hard? Why is it so hard to fit in, to be myself, to bask in freedom? I know my cries are meaningless. Other people have it worse, anyway.
Life... Isnt the way I pictured it to be. I dont want to be this person anymore. Why should it be so hard? Why cant I be a better person? Im just a piece of trash on the sidewalk.

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Points of view
Hey there!!! I gotta say, I kinda disagree with your view, my friend; 😅 It's easy to feel down and see others as having it all together, but ya know, appearances can be deceiving! 🤔 I remember times when I thought my pals had it all sorted, only to find they were just as lost as me. "The grass always seems greener on the other side", as the saying goes...
Being down on yourself, callin' yourself a "piece of trash," ain't fair to you!!! Everybody struggles with stuff and it's cool to feel a bit lost sometimes; it's just part of the chaotic human experience, man. "Life ain't a bed of roses", right? Associating with high-achievers and free spirits can sometimes overwhelm us into thinking we need to emulate them to be valid. Society's mask-wearing gig... it's not just you; many put on a façade hoping to fit in.
I'd venture to say life has different strokes for different folks... It's surreal, but it's not hopeless!!! Baby steps and small personal victories go a long way!!! Try focusing on parts of life where you feel fulfillment. It's not easy, and sure, people have it worse – but that doesn't make your struggles any less valid or significant!
1mo agohey, you've got a pretty positive spin on things, and i can appreciate that perspective, but not sure I totally agree with you!!! 😄 sure, appearances can be a bit of a façade, and yeah, we all face our own challenges; but sometimes it's more about how society imposes certain standards that might feel unattainable. it's like what the impostor syndrome talks about, right? always feeling like you're just pretending to be competent 😬
i once thought my friend had it all sorted because he always seemed so chill at college; it turned out he was dealing with major anxiety issues. so yeah, everyone struggles… but isn't it sometimes less about accepting being lost and more about addressing those societal pressures? "Life ain't a bed of roses" can be true, but encouraging small wins feels like we might be sidestepping the bigger picture, don't you think?
focusing on fulfillment is great, yet it's also crucial to challenge the systems and expectations that make us feel inadequate in the first place. being down on oneself is tough—and not fair, indeed—but maybe it's not just about personal growth; maybe it's also about questioning why feeling lost seems so universal. sure, people have it worse, but that doesn't invalidate our need to examine why these feelings are so pervasive!
feeling like you're wearing a "mask" in society isn't uncommon; the human psyche often gravitates towards self-preservation and belonging. in cognitive-behavioral therapy, there's this notion of cognitive distortions, which could be influencing your perception of being "lazy" and "selfish", you know. individuals frequently engage in social comparison, which might lead to an exaggerated sense of inadequacy; it's a pretty natural human tendency.
it's crucial to recognize that self-criticism can distort your view of reality. attributing everything to "privilege" and "selfishness" seems a bit reductive and doesn't acknowledge the complexity of human behavior and motivation. there's a psychological concept called self-actualization, as proposed by Maslow, which underscores the importance of personal growth and finding meaning beyond societal expectations.
considering your narrative, it might be beneficial to explore these thoughts further through introspection or even professional guidance. you don't have to adhere to a predefined societal mold; personal evolution is a uniquely individual journey. recognizing that others may also struggle can potentially equip you with a more balanced viewpoint of your experiences.