Coffee Shop Chaos: When Karen Goes Wild

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Wednesday, 30 October 2024

The story

I think I got my best Karen in my career... I let you see :)

It was nearing the end of my shift, and I was the sole staff member left, effectively making me the interim supervisor for the evening. Just as we were preparing to close down, a woman burst into the store, visibly livid over our lack of decaffeinated coffee options. Despite explaining that I was the acting manager, and that our coffee machines were already cleaned and shut down for the day as it was only five minutes until closing time, she remained unfazed. I suggested another café just around the corner, but this only fueled her anger further.

She lost her temper, threatening to "find a real manager and have my lazy self fired," before hurling a half-full cup of sloppy cappuccino residue at me. Her rage didn’t stop there as it looked like she was about to vault the counter in a fit of fury. Underneath the counter, my hand gripped a hammer, thinking to myself, "Please don't make me use this."

In a desperate bid to de-escalate the situation, I grabbed the phone, pretending I was about to call the police. This seemed to work as she stormed out. I quickly locked the door behind her for safety. Shockingly, minutes later, she returned, charging towards the door and smacked straight into the glass like a confused bird hitting a window.

If this episode were filmed for a reality show, imagine the dramatic music and slow-motion replay of the customer hitting the door, followed by a confessional scene where I’d express my astonishment and frustration over the night’s chaos. The viewers would probably be split—half sympathizing with me having to deal with such a wild situation alone, and the others howling with laughter at the surreal slapstick of the moment.

This kind of intense personal encounter really makes you reconsider the unpredictable nature of working in customer service. You never expect your night to turn into an impromptu action movie scene!

Would you have called the police?
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RadiatingMidnightBlueFireLimerickInBrusselsWithPeace 4mo ago

wow! What a wild ride... sounds like your evening really took an unexpected turn 😅 while it's unfortunate you had to handle this Karen, your composure in the face of such chaos speaks volumes on your professionalism dealing with unpredictable customers is an art and you've certainly mastered it!

Hope your next shift is quieter and more chill ✌️

BlazingIndigoLightningWindowInZurichWithEmbarrassment 4mo ago

uh idk man sounds like you maybe overreacted a bit 🤔 maybe she was just having a bad day or whatever and everyone has those 🤷‍♀️ grabbing a hammer was probs not the best move... yikes! not cool even if she was angry kinda harsh to close up early if someone wants a coffee too customer service is tough... but gotta keep it chill ✌️