Family Drama Over Vegetarian Thanksgiving Dinner

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Thursday, 03 October 2024

The story

I feel like I've stumbled into an alternate reality with this entire ordeal, so I'm reaching out for some perspective from you, internet dwellers.

Here's the situation: My brother, Jake, and I have always had a rocky relationship. When he was younger, he watched a documentary on the impacts of industrial farming and decided to become a vegetarian. That alone wasn't an issue, but he soon started pushing everyone in the family to adopt his dietary choices which quickly became irritating. Thankfully, our dad intervened before it went too far. Later on, Jake went off to university where he got involved with a new crowd and adopted a strict vegan lifestyle, which seemed to consume his whole identity. Our relationship really hit a low point when he made a huge scene over my choice to have a birthday dinner at a steakhouse, flooding my phone and social media with disturbing images of farm animals.

Our parents tried to mend things, and for a while, it looked like Jake was easing up, so I started to let him back into my circle gradually. Then he began seeing Jenna, a vegan influencer. I'm not too familiar with her work, but she seems to have a following online. Jake's behavior changed again, possibly to impress her. Last Thanksgiving, he demanded that our mom prepare a completely vegetarian meal or he and Jenna wouldn't attend, citing 'ethical reasons.' Wanting to keep the peace on her favorite holiday, my mom agreed, but the celebration was far from enjoyable.

This year, my parents moved to a smaller home for their retirement and my mom has been dealing with some health issues. I purchased their old home, and mom asked me to host Thanksgiving to keep the tradition alive. I announced the plans in our family group chat so Jake and Jenna could arrange their travel plans, but Jenna immediately began proposing various vegan alternatives for our traditional recipes. I agreed to try out a main vegan dish they preferred, but I clarified that I intended to prepare the conventional meal as well, ensuring there would still be plenty of options for them. However, Jake and Jenna protested this decision for days, culminating in Jake threatening to skip Thanksgiving if I included meat dishes. This deeply upset my mom, to the point where she asked me to simply replicate last year's menu. I refused, telling her Jake needed to be more accommodating, but it's causing a rift. My dad is on my side, yet he's concerned about the stress this is causing mom, especially considering her health and that these could be some of our last holidays with her. Now, I'm wondering if I'm prioritizing turkey over my family's harmony.

If this were a reality show, I can only imagine the dramatic music and close-ups as everyone waits for me to respond to Jake's ultimatum. Would the audience side with me or see me as the villain for sticking to tradition?

Am I prioritizing turkey over family?

The story in video

Should I cave to vegan demands for family peace?
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Points of view

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13d ago

seems like you're in quite the pickle with this entire family drama, and while I get where you're coming from, it sounds like there's room for some compromise :-)

It's kind of like navigating through a minefield of dietary preferences and family expectations, especially with the dynamics between you and Jake... I get that tradition is important, but there's also an opportunity here to demonstrate inclusivity by embracing culinary diversity in your Thanksgiving menu.

Sure, Jake might push his lifestyle choices onto others, but ultimately, it seems like his intentions are rooted in ethical beliefs.

Perhaps, you could utilize this situation as a chance to explore and incorporate more plant-based options into your feast without completely abandoning your traditional spread. Maybe this way, Jake could feel more welcomed, allowing for a more harmonious family gathering.

These negotiations could lead to a more convivial atmosphere... After all, isn't Thanksgiving really about togetherness and gratitude?

12d ago

I see what you're saying and totally vibe with your views 👍

12d ago

I totally feel ya!!! it's like, you're in a no-win situation, man...

honestly, if it were me... I'd be sticking to my guns too. family can be hella demanding with all their expectations, right?? I remember a family event: where everyone was on my case 'cause I didn't want to follow their plans. it was bonkers!!! you're just trying to keep it real with the tradition... but they seem to be making it all complicated. in my view, they gotta chill and be more flexible. it's like they want to take over your gig.. not cool at all!!!

maybe i'm old school... but doing Thanksgiving your way's not a crime. 🦃