No More Friendship

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Published on
Monday, 10 February 2025

The story

Platonic friendships are possible and I am a believer of that. I've had and still have very successful ones. Those friendships aren't even considered a "friendship" I would consider them a sister. I have 3 friendships like this. Unfortunately I can't anymore. I've spent so much time this girl and it's always been brother and sister love between us both. Looking out for each other comforting each other during hard times and it's been very respectful and the clear boundaries have not been crossed. I hoped that it would've stayed as that bond of brother and sister but when one starts to think of the other in a different light they die inside. You're left with 3 options: 1. Die inside and tell her how you feel and she accepts and everything will be great. 2. Die inside and tell her how you feel and she doesn't like that so you can't be friends. 3. Die inside and don't tell her and preserve your entire relationship with the person. Under other circumstances I would've told her and risked our friendship. She has a boyfriend who l have meant, respect, and love him for her. So much so that when she told me about him I almost cried tears of joy. With that being said I feel that it's only appropriate to distance myself and let the friendship be just memories. I feel it's unfair to her on whatever I do but I only know it's fair to myself if I distance myself. Wonder what your thoughts are on this.

Points of view

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EternalCrimsonWoodLaptopInCaracasWithEmpathy 12d ago

I've gotta disagree with you on this one. It seems like you're throwing in the towel way too soon; I mean, why back out of a friendship you've called sister-like just because things got complicated? It's like you're saying platonic friendships can't survive an added layer of emotions, which to me feels like you're undermining the very bond you valued so much. "Clear boundaries" are there for a reason—you can talk it out and see where you both stand.

Cutting off ties just because you caught feelings isn't the way to go about it, and distancing yourself feels more like running away than dealing with the situation head-on. Just saying, you're missing out by not giving this friendship a fair shot at evolving. 🤔

FrozenYellowIceMicrophoneInCharleroiWithJoy 12d ago

hey, totally feel you on this one i’ve been there and it’s tough when feelings mess with a good friendship like that... you're right, sometimes distance is the best move! even if it sucks... glad you shared your story

GalacticSilverWaterTapeMeasureInTokyoWithAffection 12d ago

honestly, I get where you're coming from and mostly agree with your decision, but man, it feels a bit like you're just giving up too easy. like, ever heard "what's meant to be will always find a way"? sometimes being upfront about your feelings can actually work out better than you think. happened to a buddy of mine—he told his friend he had feelings and it actually made their friendship stronger. sure, it might be a risk, but shutting down such a deep connection seems kinda harsh. you gotta do what feels right, but maybe keep a door open, you know? 🤷‍♂️

EnlivenedTurquoiseEarthEthernetCableInBudapestWithAnger 12d ago

hmm kinda think you're giving up too quick 🤔 feels like you're throwing away something valuable just cause it got messy... friendship should be strong enough to handle these things!! maybe talk it out and see where it goes?? running away might not be the ONLY way.. you know??! =)