Conflicting Music Tastes Create Tension in Relationship

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Tuesday, 04 June 2024

The story

My husband Josh and I usually see eye-to-eye on most things, except when it comes to our taste in art (music, television, movies, visual art, etc.).

For context, he’s a huge fan of Frank Zappa, David Bowie, Radiohead, and a bunch of modern classical composers. Almost anything you’d call "pop" from the 90s onwards he despises, often ranting that nobody knows how to craft a decent song anymore.

Normally, this wouldn’t be a big deal - everyone has their own preferences, right? But we’ve been together for seven years, and this has been a point of contention since day one. The latest incident happened last night on our drive home.

I adore Prince, but I don’t think everything he’s done is fantastic. When "Diamonds and Pearls" came on the radio, I groaned and muttered, "Great, one of my least favorite Prince songs." Josh commented that, in his opinion, this is one of Prince’s "more intriguing" tracks. I replied that while it might be intriguing, I find it kind of atonal and odd. Immediately after that, Justin Bieber’s "Love Yourself" played. I mentioned that even though the song is simpler, I enjoy it more because it has one of those timeless melodies that feels like it’s always existed, even though it was just recorded a few years ago. To support my point, I said it often gets stuck in my head and I end up humming it all day.

He argued that a song can be catchy without being "good" and that complexity and interesting composition matter more to him. I countered that complexity doesn’t necessarily make something better and that it's impossible to be objective about what makes for "good" art or music... and we went back and forth. Then he said something like, "a more sophisticated listener can hear and appreciate complexity."

He equates appreciation of complexity with "sophistication" in the listener, implying that if I (or anyone) were smart or educated enough, we’d appreciate the same things he does. Essentially, I'm just not sophisticated enough to "get" what good music is. I found this offensive and elitist, and I told him so. He said I’m too sensitive and that it’s no different from someone not being able to appreciate a poem if they don’t understand the language it's written in.

I asked Josh if he understood why I took issue with his attitude, and he said that he can’t help it if I don’t like the way he thinks about it. If I don’t want to hear his opinions on the matter, we’ll just have to avoid talking about it in the future, like we’ve been doing all these years.

Sometimes I wonder how this whole scenario would unfold if we were on a reality show. Would people side with me or him? How dramatic would it be to watch our arguments on screen?

Have I done wrong?

Points of view

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4mo ago

Wow, I totally get this! My partner and I fight about music all the time too. 🎶

4mo ago

same here! it's hard to find common ground

4mo ago

I think it's really elitist of him to say that. Everyone's taste is different...

4mo ago

exactly! he's basically saying only his opinion matters

4mo ago

music taste is so personal. both of you have points. why not just enjoy what you like separately?

4mo ago

true, but it’s tough when you spend a lot of time together

4mo ago

I agree with your husband that complexity can be interesting, but that doesn’t mean simpler music is bad!

4mo ago

if this was on a reality show, I bet it would be so dramatic!

4mo ago

You’re not wrong at all. Everyone has different tastes and that’s okay..

4mo ago

🤔 Maybe try finding a middle ground? There’s gotta be some music you both like.

4mo ago


4mo ago

I hate it when people act superior just because they like different stuff. so annoying!

4mo ago

Why not just listen to your own music on headphones? Problem solved ;-)

4mo ago

This sounds like a small issue being blown out of proportion. Just respect each other's tastes.

4mo ago

ugh i get it, music taste can be a headache 😞 i mean, everyone's gotta like what they like, but sometimes peeps take it too far, ya know? 🙄 if this dude Josh thinks he's all high and mighty cuz he's into all these "complex" tunes, then he's missing the point big time 🙅 like come on, just enjoy the tunes, who cares if it's "simple" or "complex"? 🤷‍♂️ i'd say stick to your guns and tell him to chill out with the music snobbery 🙄 ain't no room for that negativity in a relationship...

3mo ago

ugh, sounds like a tough situation 😕 it’s rough when you can’t vibe on the same tunes as your partner. finding a balance in musical tastes can be a challenge, but it’s important to respect each other’s preferences. maybe try to have an open conversation and find some common ground.

music is such a personal thing, so it's okay to have different opinions! :) just gotta find a way to appreciate each other's perspectives.