Friend Pursues Music Dreams Despite Lack of Talent

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Sunday, 04 August 2024

The story

I have this friend, Carly, who’s 23 and we've been tight ever since our freshman days back in high school. She’s been chasing her musical dreams in LA lately. Carly always had a knack for writing; she even got her degree from a reputable private liberal arts college in California, majoring in Creative Writing. Most of us who know her well were betting she’d go into songwriting. However, Carly decided to take on singing instead. She's already dropped three singles and has an album in the pipeline, but honestly, they're just not good. Her vocal timbre really doesn’t cut it—it’s rather flat and nasal, plus she has this odd way of modulating her pitch. Watching her perform live is even more of a struggle. The crowd of friends she's made in LA keep cheering her on, telling her she’s phenomenal. I’m just worried about how far their praises will carry her before someone in the business pulls the plug and tells her straight up, “you can’t sing.”

What worries me more is thinking what if she ever ended up on one of those reality singing shows? Like, imagine her getting up there with that same supportive crowd, only to face the harsh critiques from seasoned judges in front of a national audience. Could you just imagine the humiliation? It’s hard enough seeing her wade through local gigs, but that level of exposure and raw feedback could really break her.

How does one deal with this? Is it kinder to let her keep dreaming while everyone around nods and smiles, or would a true friend intervene before the reality becomes too painful? Waiting it out seems like watching a ticking time bomb. Is sitting back really the answer?

Should I tell my friend she's a terrible singer?
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Points of view

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2mo ago

It is imperative to address this situation candidly.

Carly's vocal abilities are evidently lacking; her timbre is indeed flat and nasal, and her pitch modulation is peculiar!!! The reality of the music industry is harsh, and her current trajectory is unsustainable!!! Allowing her to continue without honest feedback could culminate in a devastating public reality check!!! As a true friend, it is your duty to intervene and offer constructive criticism...!!! Encourage Carly to focus on her strengths in songwriting instead of pursuing a singing career that may not be viable...!!! This redirection can save her from potential humiliation and enable her to find success where she truly excels!!!

2mo ago

Carly's vocal talents are lacking, her timbre is flat, her pitch modulation is weird; she shouldn't keep singing. The music industry is tough, and she will face rejection. Encouraging her to continue is unkind it is better to redirect her to songwriting. Save her from future embarrassment. She needs this reality check 🎤

2mo ago

Dude I totally get your situaton with your friend Carly seriously needs a wake-up call 🤯 her singing is just not it and it’s super obvious to anyone with ears 😂 like her voice is all kinds of bad flat, nasal, and just plain odd pitch changes and don’t even get me started on her live performances it’s cringe city man 😬 honestly you’re doing her a favor by being real she’s wasting her time chasing this singing dream when she clearly isn’t cut out for it at all like why hasn’t anyone told her yet is beyond me 😩 she should totally stick to songwriting where she’s actually got a shot at making it big so yeah sometimes you gotta be harsh to be kind ya know?

2mo ago

your concerns are legitimate 😕 carly’s vocal abilities are admittedly subpar with a flat and nasal timbre and awkward pitch modulation she may not find success in singing 🤷‍♂️ it could be beneficial to gently advise her to focus on her songwriting talents 💡 this way she could still pursue her passion within the industry without facing potential public humiliation and criticism