Neighbor Cuts Trees, Leaves Mess: Was I Wrong to Throw It Back?

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Sunday, 02 June 2024

The story

One day, our neighbor came over and mentioned he was thinking about trimming the trees between our properties since they mostly grew on his side. I was a bit surprised but told him that the trees were fine on our side. We liked the greenery and had a few families of cardinals living in the trees and bushes. I thanked him for bringing it up and he assured me that he’d trim them lightly. I emphasized that he didn't need to trim our side at all.

I thought I was saving my neighbor some money and trouble by not worrying about our side of the trees.

A week later, we came home to find the trees along our property line completely butchered. He had cut every bit of green off those poor trees. Now we have a clear view of his messy backyard, and we've lost the sound barrier for when he’s out there playing (badly) the guitar. The cardinals are gone; they probably found new nests elsewhere. To make things worse, our neighbor hired his friend’s kids to do the trimming, and they left a huge pile of branches and debris in our yard. Our neighbor knows we are recovering from a fire and lack the tools and vehicle to clean up the mess ourselves—nor should we have to.

He left our yard a mess and didn’t even offer to clean it up. It stayed that way for three weeks.

When the leaves started falling, I went out to rake. I'll admit I was PMSing and this is a bit immature, but each branch that was too big to fit in my leaf bag, I just tossed right over what was left of our living fence and back into his yard.

Yesterday, the neighbor texted my husband asking if we threw the branches over and complaining that he hurt his back and can’t get out there to pick them up. My husband got flustered and lied about kids running through the yards. I say, "FUCK THAT, YES, I threw those branches back into his yard." I know I could have handled this better, but honestly, I was really pissed that he cut down all our greenery after we asked him to leave it and then left a huge mess for us to clean up. So the branches were fine to leave in OUR yard, but he couldn’t possibly clean them up if they are in HIS yard. Am I the only one seeing it this way? I hate that I put my husband in this position, but I think it’s best to be honest. Plus, I think I’m totally right! Am I wrong here?

I wonder how people would react if this situation was on a reality show. Would viewers think I overreacted or would they side with me, understanding my frustration and the mess our neighbor left us with?

The story in video

Points of view

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4mo ago

Wow, what a jerk! I totally get why you threw the branches back. 🌳

Author 4mo ago

Hey, thanks for understanding where I was coming from! It was super frustrating dealing with that mess. I appreciate the support!🌿

4mo ago

no way, he should have cleaned up his own mess. you did the right thing!

4mo ago

honestly, both sides could have handled this better. communication is key.

4mo ago

Your neighbor sounds terrible. I’d be so mad if that happened to me. 😡

4mo ago

maybe you could have talked to him again before throwing the branches back, but i get why you did it

4mo ago

yeah, sometimes talking it out again can help, but still, what he did was wrong.

4mo ago

agreed, but who leaves a mess in someone else's yard like that?

4mo ago

not your fault. he should’ve respected your wishes and cleaned up after himself.

4mo ago

this is so frustrating to read! you’re not wrong at all.

4mo ago

u did what u had to. neighbors can be so inconsiderate sometimes.

4mo ago

you’re right to be pissed. he needs to take responsibility for the mess he made.

4mo ago

exactly, it’s about taking responsibility for your actions.

4mo ago

yes! leaving a mess like that is just rude.

4mo ago

This story is whack, man. Why she gotta be throwing branches like that? 🙄 Sounds like a total overreaction, like, just talk it out, you know? Handling it like that ain't cool. "Clean up your own mess," that's what I always say. Just messy all around.

4mo ago

Seems a bit dramatic, don't you think? Just a quick chat coulda solved this whole thing...

4mo ago

While it is regrettable that a misunderstanding led to such a disagreement between neighbors, it is essential to embrace empathy and understanding in such situations.

Inappropriate to retaliate in a manner that further contributes to an already escalating conflict. hopefully, both parties can engage in a constructive dialogue to resolve the matter amicably and rebuild the trust between them!! :)