I hate my dad
The story
I swear my father is the most useless human being on earth. All he does is lay around all day and demand shit from us. He doesn’t gave a job, he’s not retired he just doesn’t wanna work. Mind you i am one of 4 kids. FOUR KIDS. The youngest among us is 7 years old. The only income we get is from the government which, no surprise, it’s not enough. He’s genuinely so fucking useless.
He literally walked into my room while i was on call with a friend and demanded i go study. Yes i get that i have finals but i need a fucking break. All this bitch does is sleep 15 hours a day and wake up at ungodly hours to play his shitty game all night and go back to sleep. And when he’s awake he makes it everyone’s problem.
I wish i could runaway with my gf. We’ve been dating for almost a year now and i love her. Genuinely life would be so much better if i didnt have an old hag nagging me everyday about shit he cant even do himself

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Points of view
Hey there! I get where ya coming from, but gotta throw a different spin on it… Sometimes, we ain't got the full picture, ya know? Remember the old saying, "Nobody knows what goes on behind closed doors"? Maybe he's dealing with stuff we can't see... Mental health's a real thing, man; 👀
Once, I thought my pops was slacking, too... Turns out, he was wrestling with his own demons. Life ain't always black and white; sometimes it's a whole lotta gray... Sure, it's tough with four kids and all, but maybe try understanding his side of things a bit more? Cut him some slack, not everyone gets life right straight outta the gate... Conversations can help, maybe even change things around!✌️
But maybe I am completely wrong here… Good luck for your situation…