so much to say, unsure of where to start.

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Published on
Sunday, 02 February 2025

The story

2/2/25 3:19am

I have so much to say although no understanding of where to start.

Recently I've become overwhelmed with a sense of boredom, somber, longing, pain, etc.

I've been thinking about my father, what would it be like to have a relationship with him

to have cherish-able memories of him, instead I'm left with nothing maybe a few pictures

even with 2yr old me in his arms. You know i didn't realize how much having a dead father

would affect me or if it had a take on me at all, it does. Every moment of everyday I'm left with

thoughts such as "if he was here what would be different?" "though he's dead is he proud of me?" "do you love me still? after all of my mistakes, wrong doings, lessons?"

I feel sick each time i talk to her about it, my mother... I remember one time i had brought him up

i had said i missed him but you know, she misses him more because that was her first love her soulmate, i was just a baby i didn't have anything, not a clue.

I lost my dad but she lost her soulmate, i refuse to argue or to even bring it up i don't even bring up his name anymore, what's the point? nothing is going to change and I'll never get what i need...what i need.

I feel guilty, sick, torn. I have Tim, Tim is like my father...the one i never had right....

he's been around since i was a baby took the parental role when my dad died.

I feel sick yearning for my dad when i have him, Tim.

I feel disgusted with myself entirely, i have an increasingly difficult time reaching out to anyone

family, friends. Papa, Tim he lives by himself my mom and brothers were with him at some point but he's alone now

he does so much for everyone and i wish i could be there with him so he'd never discover what loneliness is.

My mom and papas relationship is complex, honestly not my business and i don't wanna go on a full lore drop about our timeline, maybe another night.

It had seemed the day papa came home years ago, found my mom with an other man he left and nothing has been the same. For a long time things seemed to go down hill, maybe because i haven't taken my meds in two months that i feel like this. I dislike that i still get emotional over things i thought i healed from, but why am i lying? i know i haven't healed matter of fact i don't know how or where to start or if it's even possible, will i feel like this, think like this forever?

will i always struggle so hard? will i always need artificial happiness?

Some thing's I've realized over these few years is that I'm not tims daughter, i never will be, he accepts me cause I'm not the "ghetto hood rat" black girl I'm "whitewashed" apparently. they've worked to destroy and invalidate my skin color and culture, I've learned I'll never have a true significant meaning to any of my family because of different in every aspect, I'm the black sheep in a field of grey and i have to learn to be okay with that.

I know this is a drastic topic change but universe please give me a knowing sign, i need something I'm hurting so bad and i don't understand. I don't wanna be mean and quick to anger anymore...i don't wanna hurt anyone anymore. I'm so sorry.

I need help so bad.

I feel like vomiting i haven't been eating much recently, pushing back tears, i feel so pathetic i can't show my feelings to anyone without feeling sick and it seems that nobody likes me, what's wrong with me? am i annoying maybe to much or even not enough? why? why does nobody like me? am i not interesting or worth anyone's time? am i not deserving?

I wanna hurt myself it feels so good, so familiar its been a habit since i was 10 and i don't know if i can stay clean much longer.

Although I'm hurting and shit i can acknowledge my growth through this journey, though in some aspects I've also gotten worse or even fallen back.

I don't wanna die but fuck, it's like every time I'm suicidal it hurts so good and when I'm content and stable I'm on edge, waiting for something to happen mourning the temporary "loss" of my usual somber mindset and body language.

Its a cycle I'm slowing learning to break but sometimes i don't want to break it, i want to live in it bathe in it.

I want to tell my mom and crawl into her lap and sob till my hearts content, but no amount of crying can ease my pain, no amount of comfort, and I've learned that my problems will never sum up to anything because nothing I've been through is severe enough it'll all never be valid.

I think I'll always be this way, though i have much fortune that I'll never overlook I'll still always be this difficult, angry, and sad person who can't grasp anything, I'll always be the being who can't react without emotion and hurt.

I miss you dad

Points of view

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EmeraldIndigoAirRecordPlayerInNairobiWithFear 12d ago

I totally vibe with this story. The feelings of missing a parent and trying to figure things out hit home; it's a real struggle. I get that sense of being torn between emotions, wondering about the "what ifs" in life. It's rough out here, but there's also a spark of hope in acknowledging personal growth. Life can be tough, and healing is a journey, but you're definitely on the right track. Keep that head up, and know that brighter days are ahead!!! 🌟✨ Stay strong; you got this 💪

12d ago

yeah, but like, it ain't just about the whole personal growth thing... 🌱 it's messy as hell and complicated;; we all deal with these messed up emotions!!! 🤯 gotta face that truth. sure, brighter days might come but saying "you got this" doesn't really cut it for everyone... we ain't all the same!!! just saying. 🤷‍♂️

TimelessCoralLightDVDInBuenosAiresWithHope 12d ago

man, this story is so on point. i get it; life's full of those "what if" moments and they can be hell. for real, it's tough dealing with all those feelings but having a parent figure like Tim ain't something to brush off. you're dealing with a lot but got to keep your chin up; real talk. "what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger" fits here perfectly. it's not easy, but hang in there—it gets better. keep pushing, and don't let the past weigh you down. you've got this, trust. 🌟

Author 12d ago

thank you for taking time to listen! as of now I'm feeling a lot better, i know things don't change over night as sucky as that is I'm taking things as they come. i will grow from this, and these feelings!

12d ago

With pleasure, I am happy to read that things are better now!

DreamingCrimsonWaterBlunderbussInEvoraWithShame 12d ago

hey, you're focusing too much on the negative vibes and missing the bigger picture here! "what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger" and all that 🛠️ you're not seeing the potential for transformation in this mess you can't hold onto the past forever; life is about adapting and overcoming shift gears start building those cherish-able memories with the family you've got don't drown in what-ifs 💪 there's a whole world waiting for you to embrace it