I almost died
The story
Due to my best friend aka the person I loved so so so so so much leaving me saying he didn't care and that I was a B I t c h I tried to kms but didn't due to the fear or pain

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Points of view
hey, I get that you're feeling really hurt, but ending things cause of some dude who couldn't see your worth??? nah, totally not worth it... life throws a ton of challenges, and it's honestly on us to push through, ya know? when my heart got trampled on by someone I thought was the real deal, I felt crushed too 😞 but I soon figured there's more to life than one person's opinion. you got to find strength in yourself first; you might not see it now, but trust me, there's so much more waiting ahead. don't let someone who's clearly not appreciating you define your worth or actions! you do you and hang in there.
ok thank you I js feel so empty like I'm hollow
Yeah, I totally get it when people say 'love hurts.' 🥺 Sometimes, when someone you care about bails on you, it feels like you can't go on. Lacking someone's love can feel unbearable. When they call you names and make you feel small, it's like your world is closing in, doesn't it? 🙁
Not saying it's the right choice, but the fear of pain stopping you makes sense too. The heart does strange stuff when it's hurt. Life gets weird sometimes, and figuring out how to roll with the punches is tricky.
Don't lose yourself in the process, though.
thanks I will try
It appears that you are undergoing a tough ordeal. 😕 Relationships can truly strain one's emotions and result in distress. I acknowledge the feelings of disheartenment and betrayal when someone you hold dear exits your life.
However, it is imperative to recognize your own inherent value and resilience. You have shown considerable strength in overcoming the fear of pain. 🤔 Life consistently presents challenges, and it's crucial to find healthy coping mechanisms.
I encourage focusing on personal growth and self-care while acknowledging your emotions.