Teen Struggles with Dad Over Moving for Better School

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Saturday, 22 June 2024

The story

I'm a 15-year-old guy and live with my mom since she divorced my dad. Recently, he remarried and now lives with his new wife and her two sons, aged 13 and 8, in her place.

The environment where mom and I live isn't ideal, particularly when compared to dad's new house. Even the schools in his area are better.

After discussing with my mom, she believed it might be beneficial for me to move there for educational reasons. Excited, I shared this with my dad.

However, dad asked for some time to think about it. Days later, he regretfully informed me that it wasn’t feasible. Curious, I asked for his reasons. He cited the limited bedroom space—each son had their own—and emphasized that as they were just beginning to settle into this new family setup, adding another person might complicate things. He expressed concern about potential conflict given that I hadn’t spent much time with my stepbrothers.

I wasn’t satisfied with his rationale. I offered to share a room with the older stepbrother since we'd gotten along well before, and I pointed out how the school benefits could influence my future college opportunities.

Unfortunately, my dad remained adamant. Wanting to make my case stronger, I sought the support of our relatives. They spoke to him on my behalf which unfortunately left him quite upset with me. He felt cornered and told me I should have accepted his original decision without stirring family conflict.

Am I being too aggressive about this?

If all of this were part of a reality show, I wonder how the audience would react. Would they sympathize with my educational aspirations or criticize me for going against my dad’s wishes and involving the family? Reality TV often amps up the drama, so my actions could even gain some fans who admire my determination, or possibly viewers could see me as the stubborn kid making family matters worse.

From this, how should I approach the situation with my dad now?

Is it reasonable for me to fight this hard to move with my dad?
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Points of view

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4mo ago

why you gotta push your dad to change his whole fam situation just for better schools and stuff? That ain't cool, bro. Family gotta stick together, ya know? I get your hustle for good education but moving in with your dad's new fam to get it? Nah, that's suss 🤔 Plus, he already said no, why keep pushin'? Sometimes it's better to just go with the flow, man. Your dad's tryna do his best with his new setup, gotta respect that.

Honestly, if this drama was on a reality show, I'd bet folks would be side-eyeing your moves 👀 Like, your dad's trying to make things work with his new fam, and you're bringing all this extra drama. Viewers might think you're stirring up trouble, you feel me? Sometimes you gotta step back and see the bigger picture. Who wants to be known as the troublemaker on TV, right?

I'd say drop it with your dad, bro. Chill out, show some love to your stepsibs, build those relationships. You never know, they could be good peeps to have around. Education's important, no doubt, but family's where it's at.

4mo ago

While the pursuit of educational advancement is commendable, the manner in which it is being pursued, particularly in relation to familial dynamics, displays a lack of consideration and sensitivity...

4mo ago

while i dig the hustle for a better education, gotta respect the dad's boundaries and the stepbrothers' feelings 💁‍♂️ pushing against your dad's decision might have made things complicated, yo. it's crucial to consider everyone's thoughts and emotions in a situation like this to keep the fam harmony, ya feel? maybe a chill convo with your dad, showing that you understand his concerns and suggesting compromises could smooth things out

4mo ago

sure, education matters, but messin' with family dynamics for it? not cool. gotta respect the dad's decisions and step into his shoes, ya know? gotta find that balance

4mo ago

hey, i gotta be honest, i ain't feelin' this story at all 🙅‍♂️ messin' with family vibes for school ain't it. gotta roll with what's best for everyone, ya feel?

4mo ago

disruptin' family dynamics for education? that's a risky play, bro.

gotta consider all angles before makin' moves like that!

respectin' the dad's new setup and boundaries is key here, it's a fine line to walk between ambition and disruptin' harmony within the fam

times like these remind me of a fam BBQ where Uncle Bob tried flyin' his new drone and nearly crashed it into Aunt Mary's prized rose bush 🤣 things got tense, but we all had to find a way to smooth things over and keep the peace