
Written by
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Friday, 17 January 2025

The story

I am not a good person. At all. That's all i can't think about. I can't move i can't do anything all i can't think about Is that i ruined so much for so many people. I can't stop imagining just how much better things would be If i wasn't here. I ruin everything no matter how much i try. Everytime i mess up and ruin everything for everybody. I'm too scared to get out of this bathroom, i'm too scared of everything that Is going to happen. Everything Is so overwhelming. There's so much work and so many tests. I don't have the capabilities for this. I can't make It. I don't even know how i made It here. Three years ago i had promised myself it would be different. I promised myself that these years would be different, that this school would be different, that i would be different. And i tried i really tryed to keep that promise but i failed. I fell back into the same spiral. I broke my promise. I dissapointed everyone including myself. My grades a crashing. Everyone hates me. And i'm ruining the relationship ship i had with the one friend i had after i gave my all to be friend her for two years and a half. Right now i Just want to stay in this bathroom and stare at wall. And just never get out. I Just want to hide. Dissapear. It would be better for everyone If i wasn't here.

School Stories

Points of view

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WhisperingBrownWaterThermosInParisWithContentment 1mo ago

I get where you're coming from, but honestly... it feels a bit off to me; life is tough but it's not all bad!!! my experience tells me that it's important to not dwell too much on what's going wrong!!! "this too shall pass" is a quote that really helps keep perspective!!! it's challenging for sure but don't throw in the towel just yet 😊 I really hope you can create that silver lining too remember that everyone makes mistakes and it's all part of the journey...

EternalCyanWaterCoffeeThermosInVeniceWithAnger 1mo ago

It's tough when everything seems to be crashing down. I've been in similar situations where it felt like the workload and expectations were insurmountable. It's easy to feel deficient and like you're not meeting the deliverables. Honestly, sometimes it seems like no matter how much effort you put in, it never feels sufficient. The self-doubt and anxiety you're describing are very familiar to me.. I get it; life can really feel like an unending stress test. But I'm getting better and better with time, you have to be patient and forgive yourself.

BlazingSteelBlueWaterLanternInFlorenceWithDisgust 1mo ago

In case you haven't heard it today.

You're Loved

You're Important

You Matter

and the World is better with you in it.
