Boyfriend Left for Couples Retreat Without Me

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Thursday, 06 June 2024

The story

I'm a 29-year-old woman. My boyfriend, Matt, is 30. I have two kids who aren't biologically his, and we've been together for four years.

Last week, Matt's friend invited us to a four-day couples retreat with him, his wife, and another couple. The retreat included couples massages, romantic dinners, and other activities. We were supposed to leave today. Matt mentioned the trip to me, so I started looking for babysitters.

Unfortunately, I couldn't find a sitter. My kids' dad rarely takes them, and their grandmother is just as unreliable, only seeing the kids to post pictures on social media and act like a perfect grandmother. Usually, when we make plans, Matt reaches out to his mom or sister-in-law, since they're the only people nearby. This time, he didn't do that, so I called them yesterday to see if they could help, but they couldn't. I figured that since I couldn't go, Matt wouldn't go either.

This morning at 5 am, I woke up to him packing. I asked him what he was doing, and he said, "Packing. I need to leave by 7 am to meet up with George." I asked why he still intended to go on a couples retreat when his partner couldn't even go, and whether he even wanted me to go since he didn't help find a sitter. He said, "If you wanted to go, you would have found a sitter. I don't have time for this."

This really bothered me. He kissed my forehead and left. Fifteen minutes ago, he texted me pictures of his suite, which had flower petals, champagne, and even a heart-shaped bed. I texted back, "Have a good time." He took this as an attack and said, "Don't be clipped with me. It's not my fault you didn't find a sitter." I responded, "I wasn't being clipped. And it would have been nice if you could have helped find a sitter. I know they aren't your kids, but if you wanted me to go, you should have put in some effort." He replied, "You're being an asshole right now, and frankly, you're being overdramatic as well."

Am I wrong for getting upset that he went without me?

Honestly, if this were a reality show, I wonder how people would react. Would they see my side and agree that he should have helped, or would they think I'm overreacting?

Would you be upset if your partner went on a couples retreat without you?
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Points of view

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4mo ago

I would be furious! How could he go without you? 😡

Author 4mo ago

Exactly, I felt the same way! It's not just about going on a trip, but the lack of consideration and effort on his part is what hurt the most. I appreciate your support in understanding ...

4mo ago

To be honest, I totally get why you're so ticked off! Like, who does he think he is going off on a romantic retreat without you? Like, seriously? That's just cold. 🙄 I mean, come on, the guy's been with you for four years and can't even make an effort to help out with the kids for a few days? That's shady AF. 🙅‍♂️ If it were me, I'd lay down the law and set some boundaries real quick. Ain't nobody got time for that kind of disrespect. You deserve better, sis. Keep your head up! 🙌

4mo ago

wow that sucks 😞

3mo ago

Ugh, seriously, that's messed up! 😤 I mean, how can he just bounce like that without even trying to help you out? It's straight up disrespectful.

I get that it's a couples retreat and all, but come on, man, relationships are about teamwork, not just doing whatever you feel like.

If he really cared, he would've made more of an effort to support you with the kids. Just saying. 🤨

3mo ago

Your partner's behavior is undoubtedly questionable and disrespectful, exhibited by his decision to proceed with the couples retreat despite your inability to secure childcare. The lack of assistance in seeking a solution is concerning and raises pertinent issues regarding partnership dynamics. This situation calls for reflection and open communication to address underlying feelings of neglect and inadequate support.