Vacation Drama: Struggling Relationship and Noisy Neighbors

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Thursday, 06 June 2024

The story

I’m on vacation in Europe with my husband. We’ve been together for 14 years, and this is our first trip without the kids. We hoped this two-week getaway would rekindle our relationship, but we’re now on day 9, and things haven’t gone as planned. We’ve only had sex once, and that was while drunk, feeling like we forced it. Our sex life has struggled since having children, and it got worse after my husband admitted he loves me but isn’t sexually attracted to me anymore, which hurt since I’ve gained over 100lbs in the past three years.

We’re staying at a stunning 5-star resort with a private pool and terrace, but my husband has been critical of everything – the hotel, staff, food, and other guests. Five days ago, a young British couple moved into the room next to us. They’re very attractive, and we can see their terrace from ours. Since their arrival, we’ve heard them having sex twice a day and seen them being very affectionate on their terrace, with the woman often sunbathing topless. It’s hard for me to get used to.

My husband quickly befriended them, and it feels like he’s lusting after the woman next door, though she seems oblivious. I’ve spoken to them, and they seem nice. Two nights ago, I was woken by their loud sex noises and asked the concierge to have them quiet down. The next evening, the man next door angrily confronted my husband, who didn’t know I had reported it, leading to a big argument between us.

My husband called me ridiculous and a prude, saying if I were more carefree, we wouldn’t have issues. When I mentioned his interest in the woman next door, he said, "Why wouldn’t I? She’s young, thin, and hot," clearly a dig at me. He angrily walked around the room and went to sleep in silence.

This morning, I woke up to a text from him saying he went on a hike alone, something we had decided not to do. Since he returned, we’ve hardly spoken and decided to order room service instead of going out for dinner.

Am I wrong for complaining about the couple next door? Or is he wrong for leaving me alone in the hotel all day on vacation? How would you react if this was a reality show?

Points of view

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4mo ago

Your husband shouldn't have left you alone, that's not cool at all. You're supposed to be on this trip together.

4mo ago

exactly o_O

4mo ago

oh yes...

4mo ago

Indeed, not cool at all... who does that?!

4mo ago

I ain’t buyin’ into this whole drama. Vacations are to chill, not stress about some posh hotel neighbors. And seriously, that husband sounds like a jerk. Like my grandma would say, "If you can’t handle the heat, get out of the kitchen." Maybe they need to sort their stuff out instead of peeping on other couples. Just my two cents!

3mo ago

wow this is a hot mess!! I mean, seriously, who leaves their partner alone on vacation to go hiking? 😒 and don't even get me started on lusting after the neighbors... sounds like a recipe for disaster... honestly, they need to get their act together before this all blows up in their faces 💥

3mo ago

I seriously can't even with this total mess of a situation. 😑 It's like a train wreck in slow motion, you know what I mean?

First of all, who in their right mind leaves their partner to go hiking alone on vacation? That's just plain disrespectful and clueless. 🤦 And the whole lusting over the neighbors thing? Pure unadulterated drama.

These two seriously need a reality check before their whole relationship implodes right in front of our eyes.

3mo ago

okay, like seriously, this whole situation is a disaster waiting to happen🤦‍♀️ Leaving your partner high and dry on vacation to go on a solo hike is just plain selfish and immature.

And don't even get me started on the whole neighbor drama - talk about a ticking time bomb. They better wake up and smell the coffee before everything goes up in flames.