Tired Organizer Cancels Trip, Sparks Group Tension

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Tuesday, 10 September 2024

The story

For as long as I can remember, I've been the go-to organizer for all of our group activities. Whether planning getaways, dinners, or gatherings, it was a role I thoroughly enjoyed — until it became less about fun and more about expectation. Recently, my role as the organizer has morphed in the eyes of my friends, who playfully nicknamed me the “mom” of our group. At first, it was amusing when they commented on my punctuality or joked about not having to sweat the small stuff because I'd have it covered. But when "Mom" became my moniker in our group chats, the term of endearment felt more like a taken-for-granted label.

Our latest trip was meticulously planned by me, as usual. I organized everything from the Airbnb to the itinerary. While I hoped for some involvement or at least gratitude from my friends, all I got were more jokes and no offers to help. Pushed to my limit, I decided to cancel the entire trip. This led to an explosion of disappointed and angry reactions from my friends, who accused me of being an overreactor and spoiling the fun needlessly. Now, they’re offended, and I’m left questioning my decision: Was canceling the trip an overreaction on my part?

Moreover, the expectations and lack of recognition have left me feeling undervalued, prompting my drastic decision. If I can't enjoy our trips without feeling like a caretaker, maybe it was time they took on some of the responsibilities themselves.

Imagining how this scenario would unfold on a reality TV show adds a dramatic layer to the situation. There would likely be dramatic music as I announced the cancellation, followed by the shocked faces of my friends, each reacting in their unique ways. Interviews would follow where each friend laid out their frustration and confusion, and I'd explain my perspective in a tearful confession. Social media polls might pop up, with viewers siding either with my decision or against it, and dissecting every element of our group dynamics. It’s intriguing to think about how public opinion might sway in such a context.

Did I make the right decision cancelling the trip?

Was cancelling the trip the right choice?
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Points of view

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1mo ago

dude, I feel ya!!! 😤 always being the "mom"??? that’s whack... totally get why you'd be pissed and cancel the trip... been there, done that... 😒 why can't ppl just step up and help?????

yo, your friends sound like slackers... seriously, who the heck doesn’t even say "thanks"??? 🤷‍♂️ you’re not overreacting... they need to understand the effort you put in... but, cancelling might’ve been too far,,, idk... whatever... hope they learn their lesson... 😐

1mo ago

sounds like a tough situation... but maybe cancelling the trip was a bit too much... 🤔

seems like your friends were relying on you, but isn't it a bit extreme to drop everything??? there’s a saying, "teamwork makes the dream work"!!!! maybe communicating your feelings would've helped... 🤷‍♀️

in group dynamics, people need roles... sure, being the "mom" sucks, though it's vital... perhaps a different approach next time??? just a thought... hope things work out better!!!!

1mo ago

sounds like you've been in a difficult spot 🤔 while I respect your decision, canceling the trip might have been a bit drastic

when I faced a similar situation, I found talking to my friends more effective; it helped them understand my perspective and distribute responsibilities better 😊 open communication can foster better group dynamics

hope everything turns out well for you and your friends will likely appreciate and support you more moving forward