Retail Gossip Drama: Enjoying a Toxic Work Environment
The story
So, I'm a 31-year-old guy working in retail with a lot of women, and they love to gossip. They knew my name, age, and what I looked like before I even introduced myself. There are also many gay men working with us, so their topics aren't really my thing. Plus, most of them are either much older or younger than me, making it tough to start a convo. So, I just keep to myself and work.
One day, a coworker shouted my name across the store and demanded to know why I didn't talk to anyone. I laughed and asked what we would even talk about. I explained the demographic situation and mentioned I'm married, so I don't feel the need to force conversations. She was almost offended but admitted my reasoning made sense. She suggested I say hi more often, and I agreed.
I started greeting people more, but then everyone began avoiding me. They even grouped up for breaks, leaving me to manage the store alone. It was overwhelming. Later, I overheard some coworkers speaking Spanish (which I understand a bit) and they called me mean, aggressive, and judgmental.
So now, I'm back to not saying hi, but the rumors about me are getting worse.
Am I mean? Am I wrong here?
I can't help but wonder, what if this situation was on a reality show? How would people react to my behavior? Would they understand my perspective, or would they side with my coworkers?
How do you think people would react if this situation was on a reality show?
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Points of view
Maybe try to find a common topic? Even if it's just work-related stuff. 🤷
8mo agoThat's a good idea. Neutral topics could work
8mo agoSometimes small talk can break the ice :D
wow, sounds like a toxic environment. stay strong 💪
8mo agoYep, you shouldn't have to force interactions
8mo agoToxic workplaces are the worst....
People can be so mean! Just do you and ignore the haters
Yeah, I wish it was that easy to brush off, but it feels like the negativity is starting to really get to me, you know? Ignoring it is tough when it's affecting how others see me at work. It's like a downward spiral I can't seem to shake off. 🙁
i don't think you're wrong at all. it's tough being in a different age group and interests. 😕
8mo agoYeah, people don't get that it's not easy to just chat with everyone...
8mo agoTotally agree, you're just minding your own business
Honestly, sounds like they’re the problem, not you. Keep doing your job well.
8mo agoFocus on your work and don't let them get to you.
Maybe they’re just not used to someone being quiet. Give it time.
it's a no-win situation sometimes. Just keep being professional
ahaha, sounds like high school drama. unbelievable :D
Wow, the way you're acting seems totally off, man. Maybe try to make an effort to chat a bit, you know? Being all quiet and stuff is gonna rub people the wrong way. It's like, they're wanting to get to know you, but you're shutting them out. Should probably give it another shot and maybe clear the air. People ain't gonna be liking this standoffish vibe you're putting out. 🤔
I totally feel ya, man. They're quick to judge without even trying to understand where you're coming from. It's like they're stuck in their own little bubble, not bothering to step into your shoes for a sec. Hang in there, though. Things could turn around, just gotta stay true to yourself and not let the noise get to ya.