Having troubles in a young relationship

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Saturday, 08 June 2024

The story

My partner (17M) and I (17F) began our relationship four months ago and initially, everything seemed perfect. However, recently, I’ve been questioning our dynamic.

He was initially so enthusiastic to spend time with me. Now, whenever I propose catching a meal together, he declines, stating his mom has restricted him from going out. While I understand, it frustrates me when he's out with his pals the very next day enjoying a movie. This pattern has occurred a couple of times. He even became upset when I lightly mentioned his frequent outings without me, and I ended up apologizing.

My birthday is around the corner, and I dread spending it alone as it often brings a wave of loneliness. For his birthday, I went the extra mile which moved him to tears. When I hinted at discussing my birthday plans, he abruptly said I shouldn't involve him because he’s had poor experiences with his own birthdays. I apologized once again for coming off as passive-aggressive, which wasn’t my intent.

I’m beginning to feel like my needs for emotional support aren’t being met. As a student of psychology, it stung when I was ridiculed for expressing how much I value my field of study, eventually apologizing for making it an issue. Moreover, I’ve had disturbing experiences with unwanted physical advances in the past, which makes physical intimacy a sensitive matter for me. Despite this, he pressured me into physical actions I wasn't comfortable with, which I eventually gave in to out of exhaustion.

He continues to ask for suggestive photos even though I’ve expressed my discomfort. I relented a few times but reinforced my boundaries. Regrettably, he doesn’t seem to honor this anymore, though I've stopped sending any pictures now.

Whenever I try to address these issues, it ends up in arguments with him painting me as the antagonist. A recent dispute over this threatened to end our relationship, and once again, I found myself apologizing excessively.

Just imagine if this behavior was showcased in a reality show, the public scrutiny and potentially explosive reactions on social media could be immense! Viewers often have strong opinions about relationship dynamics displayed on reality TV, and this situation might evoke a lot of sympathy for me while potentially generating negative feedback toward him.

What do you think?

Points of view

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4mo ago

This story seems a bit one-sided to me. I mean, everyone’s got their own side of the story, ya know? 🤷‍♂️ We can’t judge someone just based on what one person says, it’s like watching a reality show and thinking you know it all. People are quick to point fingers without knowing the full picture. It’s important not to jump to conclusions and instead try to understand where both parties are coming from. The truth usually lies somewhere in the middle, so let’s not rush to judgment.

4mo ago

yo, this story sounds off to me. can't just take one side and run with it, y'know? things might not be as they seem! 🤔 gotta keep an open mind and see both sides. truth can surprise ya! let's stay chill and hope for the best.

2mo ago

Damn, relationships are complicated stuff...