My bf of almost 5 years who I have a baby with cheated
The story
We've had a rocky relationship that last 2 years since I've had our daughter, I guess I started getting insecure when our talks of our future went from "I want our wedding to look like this" "I want another baby" to him telling me "I just don't feel like marriage is important" "I don't know if I want another baby". So we've had a lot of problems since I've had our daughter him being distant, me feeling like I'm just a servant or maid being a stay at home mom. What has happened recently back in July 2024 I broke my ankle BAD I need surgery for screws and a plate, well we originally were living in Las Vegas we planned to move to California so he could be closer to his family and friends but not until March 2025. Once I broke my ankle I couldn't work, we lost our apartment, we couldn't live off one income by ourselves and we had just moved out of his mom's house since I started working again and we could afford it. Well after I broke my ankle he decided that we could move to California sooner but the problem was he would be taking himself and the baby first until I was done with my ortho appointments. It was a really tough time for me, I had to stay with my family that abused me in my childhood until I was done with appointments. We had countless arguments because he made so many promises to me before he left and broke them he told me he would come down with the baby twice a month to visit once he started work and I was there for 2 months and he never came. I would plan something and he always had "something come up". Finally I move down he had started a new job and he just started a better one recently but he was only at this other job for 2 months. During that time he had become very close to this one female coworker, I'm not the jealous type but something about their relationship made me uncomfortable. He was distant, always on his phone, never being present when he was home to spend time with our daughter or me. This one day rose some red flags he had to work morning shift I started waking up that morning because he was on the phone talking to this one coworker, he hung up FAST when me and the baby started moving. Well that same night it was after midnight we were just done having some "alone time" I got up to go to the restroom and when I came back he was talking to her on the phone when he noticed me coming out he quickly changed the subject, when I asked why he was talking to a coworker he just saw that day after 12:30 am he got defensive and said she was wondering how this stressful situation at work happened. Okay whatever I'm still in denial at this point but it kept bothering me. Last night I wrote a whole letter (I don't do well with confrontation) explaining my feelings and how I felt their relationship was weird and inappropriate (he stopped working there 3 days earlier but she still called him to "vent" about her day) he had nothing to say to what I was saying. Then he starts crying saying he's tired of trying and nothing working for our relationship I explained to him I'm only asking for him to talk to me more about his feelings and to be honest. He kept saying everything and anything other than explaining their relationship. So I reminded him I said "you haven't said anything about this ex coworker" he tried coming up with an excuse saying she's been married and divorced and has "experience" in relationship issues. I told him that he's only known her two months he doesn't even talk to his best friends about problems he might have about us and surely not to me, so I told him it's really weird to be replying on relationship advice from someone you hardly know and who I don't know at all. I told him "if you can't be truthful with words then I need to see the texts" he told me that's not a good idea.....that they've been flirting a lot for a few weeks now and it will upset me too much reading them...he denied it being physical YET but when I asked him if he's gone out with her when he told me he was somewhere else he said yes. That yesterday when he told me he was still at work he was actually already done and had a lunch date with's really upsetting to me because he just moved me away from all family and friends I had 2 months ago to a state I've never lived in, I don't start work for another week and am currently a sahm, I don't have a vehicle because the last 5 years he's always made excuses as to why I don't need one. So he broke up with me, confessed to emotional cheating, and left me with no transportation or money...what do I do
Stories in the same category
Points of view
damned, what an asshole... sorry for you :(
man this story is a mess!!! 😤 sounds like ur stuck doing all the emotional labor while he's playing games!!! crazy how some ppl think they can just bail like that right??? once had a buddy in a similar situ.. it's like dude just stepped out to lunch and never came back smh 🤦♂️ u got every reason to feel let down... hope karma sorts it out!!!
sounds like a tough situation and I totally get it!!! i've been there myself, dealing with someone who just won't commit!!! it seems he's not valuing your efforts and sacrifices; that's not cool at all. the emotional labor you're putting in is massive, and it sure looks like he's avoiding responsibility... moving and injuries just add to the stress and he should be stepping up!!! it's honestly frustrating when one partner seems checked out. you deserve someone who's fully in and appreciates you and your contributions!!!
Update: my best friend which is also his friend told me that he told her he hasn't been happy with me in a really long time and this other woman makes him's really upsetting because we had a talk 2 weeks ago I was checking in on him and was trying to get him to tell me how he's feeling in our relationship he said "I really think our relationship is getting better" he wanted to keep trying, but he had already been seeing this other woman. We had a Christmas party with our friends 12/28 he got really drunk and was in the bathroom his best friend was in their with him making sure he was okay and he stopped him from calling this woman while he was it's just more bs he's telling me he's been lying for a long time, I've never felt this betrayed and hurt like this before because I really dropped everything in my life and moved....have only been here 2 months and he started talking and seeing her after a month.
I told his mom because he's been so "ashamed" he's been lying to his parents, his dad told him to "fix this" but there's no fixing it even if we tried therapy for years I would never trust him again and this is because he would get really jealous of me if another man just worked at the same clinic I did even if I didn't talk to them and he cheated on me. His dad cheated on his mom multiple times and his mom told me "I don't think he needs to stay out of the house he needs to be home so he doesn't go with this other woman" I told her I don't really care if he sees her because we're done I'm not going to waste energy and lower my self to be with him just because of our baby because I know I deserve better....she felt sorry for me but I really just think she was projecting because of her experience with his dad and of course he's her son, I knew it wouldn't go that well but one of them deserved to know the truth and I'm close to his mom, his dad doesn't like me that much only because I'm white so I wasn't gonna call him.
29d agothat's just heartbreaking... 😢 it's so tough to feel blindsided like this!!! you truly deserved honesty from the start... it's encouraging that your best friend is there for you during this betrayal!!! it's hard now, but remember, this could be a fresh beginning for you!!! sometimes, it's gotta get worse before it gets better; keep your chin up, you're gonna find real happiness ahead!!!
I'm honestly so thankful that I have my best friend here with me helping me through this.
29d agoDefinitely, it's lucky that your best friend supports you! I hope things get better for you soon!
Thank you ❤