Promotion Tests the Bonds of a 12-Year Marriage

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Wednesday, 25 September 2024

The story

My partner Claire and I have approached our 12th wedding anniversary with two young children and busy careers. About three months ago, I received a promotion that significantly altered our routine. I transitioned from a Monday to Friday schedule to working 10-hour stretches from Thursday to Sunday. With the change came a considerable raise, and although it shifted our dynamics, we both initially saw the financial gain as beneficial for our family's future.

On my days off, Monday through Wednesday, I handle most household chores, including shopping, errands, and cleaning. I've also taken on more cooking duties, preparing meals and weekly lunches for Claire and the kids. We're saving more money than we have in years, thanks to the raise.

However, issues began cropping up a few weeks into the new schedule. Claire expressed her frustration over having to care for our children alone during the weekends. Her workload doesn't pause; she transitions from her weekday job to full-time parenting, shuttling our kids to various activities—which only intensifies her workload.

We discussed potential remedies such as hiring a babysitter, setting up carpools for the children’s activities, or even having the kids spend weekends with their grandparents. Yet, Claire pointed out that the organization and planning would still fall on her shoulders, exacerbating her sense of never having a personal break.

Trying to find a middle ground, I suggested she might enjoy catching up with friends on Monday or Tuesday evenings, given I was home to care for the kids. Unfortunately, her friends were available mostly over the weekend. This discrepancy led to repeated discussions that escalated to arguments, culminating in Claire’s evident distaste for my new job schedule. She suggested I find a way to revert to my previous hours.

I felt aggrieved, highlighting my efforts to adjust and assist around the house and pointing out the financial benefits we were enjoying. In a moment of frustration, I suggested she could take some vacation time to find solace. This only infuriated her more, concluding with her sending me to sleep in the guest room until I “fixed” the situation.

If our family's scenario was broadcasted on a reality TV show, viewers might be split in their reactions. Some might sympathize with Claire's quest for personal time amidst a hectic schedule, while others might argue that the family’s financial gains and my efforts at home are significant compensations. The dynamic and tension would undoubtedly make for compelling television, sparking discussions about work-life balance and familial responsibilities.

The story in video

Points of view

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21d ago

totally get the frustration here!

sounds like you’re both stuck in a tricky spot: trying to balance work and home life is no joke... especially with young kids 🍼💼

his new schedule is a big change which brings good financial perks but piles extra pressure on Claire! It's hard to manage it all on her own during weekends... maybe finding creative ways to share planning tasks? It could help keep things mellow :)

hoping you both can smooth it out and find a way that vibes with everyone 😌

21d ago

sounds like you rly took the promotion for the $$ but its making life hard for Claire 😕 you think doing chores monday to wednesday is enough but shes overwhelmed with kids on weekends 🧒👧

feeling like more help is needed not sure a babysitter or carpool is enough tho 🤔 claire needs a real break too honestly seems like u shouldve thought about the whole fam before saying yes to the new job 😬

20d ago

your situation is pretty tough: trying to balance a new work schedule with family life is no easy feat 💼

it’s good that you’re taking on more home duties to help Claire! financial benefits are definitely a bonus 💰

20d ago

sounds like you're both doing your best to juggle work and family life!!! 💼👍 it's great that you're taking on more chores and helping out where you can... financial gains are a big plus too...!!!

Claire must be really feeling the weekend pressure with the kids though 🧸👦 maybe more creative solutions like babysitters or extra help could lighten the load...!!! overall you’re both showing effort which is crucial...!!! keep communicating and you'll find a way...!!! 😊