ln another life

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Sunday, 13 October 2024

The story

One day online I met a boy 13 year old me didn’t think anything of it we turned into really good friends then he asked me out I said “yes” because I liked him to the older we got the more off and on we became but we never fought or argued we just wanted to experiment other people I didn’t have a problem with it because we made a promise to eachother that we will always find a way back to eachother and get married and have kids things like that he was my first everything even though I seen him many times anytime I seen him it felt like the first time i couldn’t help but get shy everytime. As time passed by we got older we didn’t talk for a couple months because he got a girlfriend I respected it so it didn’t bother me one random day I got a FaceTime call from a number I didn’t have saved or didn’t recognize it was him we didn’t speak for 6 months and suddenly he calls it was like a dream kind of we laughed and talked he wanted to meet and he told me how much he missed me how could he miss me but he was still with her it didn’t make sense I brushed it off later that day I made an excuse to get off the phone.A couple hours passed and he texted me with a paragraph saying how he messed up and he’s sorry and he thinks we should be together when we are older or just stay how we are he said that he loves me but he loves his girlfriend too I responded “if you loved her you wouldn’t be texting me” he replied and said “your right but you’ve been there through everything at my lowest you were there I’m gonna always have love for you “ I replied “im confused what’s wrong why are you acting like this “ he replied “you wouldn’t understand I’m not gonna give up on us even if you do I’m so sorry” I started to get angry because nothing was making sense I replied “what do you think I am huh I’m tired of being everyones second option I’m not doing it you love her stay with her don’t text or call me “ he replied “how could you be my second option if you were my first choice “ I replied “if you were for me there wouldn’t be any choices” he replied “you fuck it up for us not just you me too we both did everytime we got together it was right person wrong timing that’s why I’m in this situation I’m in because we couldn’t get the timing right” he typed “let’s talk on Wednesday please “ I replied “okay”

He replied “I love you “

I replied “ I love you most”

The next day he texted me “Goodmoring text me when you wake up “

I texted back that I was up

Hours went by no reply

Then I sent a text at 7:34 pm

Didn’t go through

I turned to my sister and asked if I could use her phone I typed his number in her phone and sent a text

It went through

I sent another text

“Why did you block me ?”

He read it

I hear my phone “DING DING DING”

I go to grab my phone he unblocked me and said “can you just leave me alone you said to stop texting you and to leave you alone that’s what I’m doing “

“Did you text my girlfriend ?“

“Just let me be happy stop tryna ruin my relationship “

Tears form up in my eyes I didn’t understand why I replied “I didn’t text anyone “

3 days passed a notification popped up someone requested my account I requested there’s back boom I’m accepted I click on there story ……. My stomach started to turn my eyes felt like they were on fire it was his girlfriend posted him and her but that’s not only it her 3 highlight was a picture and in the picture there was a baby his girlfriend was 6 months pregnant it all started to make sense now I didn’t know what to do it’s not like I could do anything all I did was cry and cry I had to accept another women’s baby will have the eyes of my first love the eyes that 13 year old me looked into maybe in another life He didn’t break our promise .

Points of view

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2d ago

oh wow! I mean I really feel for you and that rollercoaster ride of emotions... it's crazy how life throws these curveballs at us sometimes...

I remember this one time when I thought someone was the one and it all went sideways... but hey such is life, right? And you gotta keep your head up sometimes! Promises are just words and life has other plans for us.. we really can't control everything even if we try.... but I feel like everything happens for a reason and maybe its best to learn from it 🥺

sometimes it just makes you think about what really matters and how life is unpredictable.. it's all part of the ride i guess 🤷‍♂️

1d ago

This story kinda resonates with me... it reminds me of the classic "right person wrong time" scenario I once read about in a relationship advice column...

I get you're juggling a lot of emotions but it's all part of that volatility in young love... Seems like you both had attachment and unresolved feelings! Honestly I once thought I had something similar but time told a different story 🙂

I hope you find closure and something better down the line!

1d ago

Quite frankly, this narrative encapsulates the quintessential "temporary infatuation" often seen in adolescent relationships, which, more often than not, culminate in disappointment... the assertion that "if you loved her, you wouldn’t be texting me" is an astute observation, pointing to a palpable lack of emotional maturity and commitment.

I have encountered similar dynamics in professional case studies on relationship psychology, where promises made are merely transient and devoid of any genuine intent. It's regrettable how individuals persist in perpetuating these cycles, thinking they're unique, when in reality, it's a repetitive pattern.

As someone who has personally endured such misguided attachments, I can assure you it's wiser to sever ties and pursue personal growth rather than to cling to an illusion of what could have been :) good luck!