Everything and Nothing | Vent

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Monday, 09 December 2024

The story

I'm not really sure how to write/explain this, so this story will probably be very messy and not make a whole lot of sense.

I am currently 19 years old, and I feel like I have nothing and everything. I feel as if I could go out and get anything I ever wanted like money or assets or whatever, but the one thing I actually want is someone who actually cares about me.

Over the years, interactions with friends and family never felt like they were talking/hanging with me, rather they felt like they were doing it out of pity. I have always felt like people I care about don't really care about me, and these feelings are only reinforced by a lot of old friends and family suddenly leaving me.

I used to have a few childhood friends. I used to be a huge extrovert back then when I was a kid. Two of my childhood friends, April and Suzy, "cut" contact with me. They didn't really cut contact with me completely, I still have contact with Suzy, but we never talk. April is a huge introvert so I never talked to her when we got older. Whenever I talked to Suzy she always gave me dry responses and conversations only lasted a few minutes if that. I used to think she was just busy but she eventually just straight up told me she didn't want to talk to me. I still have no idea what I did or said to make her suddenly hate me. I don't even know if she really does hate me.

The same situation somewhat applies to my parents, that I feel like they don't really care about me. When I was a kid, my parents always argued over everything, sometimes they argued with my brother. I was never part of these arguments since I was so young at the time. All I remember is the only time my parents would interact would be more arguing or if it was dinner time. The only time I really did anything with my parents was during holidays like christmas. I never saw my mom during christmas or thanksgiving, since she went somewhere else for holidays. My dad would tell me she was cheating or that she didn't care enough about me to go to holidays with my dad. During Christmas I remember the tree being filled with presents. I never really wanted to open any of them. To me they felt like toys I would get bored of in ten minutes, reinforced by the fact that at the time my parents would say they were from santa. I would always rip open the presents and after they were all open I would go play with my new stuff and my parents would go back to doing what they did every other day. My dad would watch football and my mom would watch netflix. I have no idea what my brother would do since he was always out doing something.

To be honest, I hate my brother. He's trans and goes by she/her now, but I respect him so little as a person that I don't bother with his pronouns, especially considering how angry he gets when someone misgenders him and the fact that he just sucks as a person. I respect pronouns but specifically not his.

I think the hate for my brother started when I was about 8 or 9. He would always try and get me to do stuff and boss me around for no reason. He would also try and get me in trouble all the time, in hopes my dad would beat me. My dad is old fashioned so he would beat us if we fucked up. I think I really started to hate him when I was in my early teens. This was when my mom and brother had moved out, and my mom had custody of me. My brother took the role of the punisher for some reason so when ever I messed up he would be the one to punish me, usually by taking my xbox or phone away. But sometimes he would do it just because he could. My brother was a lot bigger than me, and he would take my stuff just because he wanted to, and would always make up some excuse about how it was "my fault" my stuff was getting taken. I remember breaking into his room to get my stuff back and running off to my dads house so he wouldnt be able to take my stuff.

I also kinda hate my dad. He's really old fashioned, and he was raised by farms people and grew up in the country rather than the city. I think my hate for him started when he had his stroke. He lost control of his left arm and left leg, and completely gave up on physical therapy. To this day he doesn't have control of his leg or arm and he might as well be an amputee or something. He uses his disability and the fact that he is my dad as an excuse to make me do stuff like cooking and his laundry. He basically treats me like a slave rather then a genuine person. All I ever do when I'm at his house is do my own thing till he eventually calls for me and makes me do some random chore for him. The only thing I remember him doing was buying gifts for me and being done with me. Even today that hasn't really changed. He still does nothing but watch TV and basically never talks to me. Even when we do talk it's always about him, and if we ever argue, and I make a valid point, he just completely shuts down and stops talking.

I'm not really sure if I hate my mom or not. I've been with her for most of my life since she was the one that had custody of me when my parents broke up. Me and my mom always had to move somewhere new. We probably moved into about 4 apartments and 2 houses in total. I never got to make any real friends because of it and eventually just gave up on trying to make friends. My mom was always watching TV just like my dad and I always was in my room doing whatever I felt like doing that day. I really don't have anything to say about my mom. She always kinda felt like a background character in a show rather then someone who was involved in the story.

I have always felt like that people don't really care about me. I wish I could bring it up to people but everyone would tell me off and I'd be better off talking to a brick wall. I have felt suicidal recently and have become more self destructive. I know I should seek therapy, but I'm not going back to the psych ward again, not now.

I'd write more but I have stuff to do, and If I went into every detail about how everything sucked I'd be here all day. I would be writing a book at that point.

Points of view

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WackyRedShadowBrushInBarcelonaWithPeace 2mo ago

well, this is a bit all over the place, yeah??? i kinda see where you're coming from tho, feeling like nobody's really there for you... that's rough. family stuff sounds real messy... almost like they don't know how to be decent?? not cool at all... maybe you should cut them some slack...., but I get it, it's hard... 🤷‍♂️.

Your brother sounds like a pain but not using his pronouns ain't really fair, is it?? try chilling a bit, might help????? you def seem lonely tho, maybe try reaching out more or find new folks to hang with????? therapy sounds good too, just saying! you need some peace. learn to look after yourself, yeah??? 😉✌️

FizzingTurquoiseIceUmbrellaInKualaLumpurWithHope 2mo ago

seems like you're caught in some tough situations for sure... family dynamics can be really challenging!

your feelings of being overlooked are valid and it sounds like most people around you ain't showing the love or support you'd hope for 🤔

with your brother, there's some bitterness on both sides... respecting someone's identity is important but it's clear it ain't that easy given your history as for your parents... it sounds like they've got some issues of their own and didn't really do the best job at being there for you :(

reaching out might be key, finding new connections could help and therapy is definitely an option if you’re ready to explore it!

Take care of yourself and keep pushing through 😊

VibratingPlumLightSphygmomanometerInMexicoCityWithConfusion 2mo ago

seems like you've been through quite a bit with your family... those situations are never simple 😟 your desire for genuine connection is totally understandable! everyone wants to feel valued and cared for 😊 regarding your brother... respecting pronouns can be tough in strained relationships... but it's a step towards understanding 🏳️‍⚧️ it sounds like your parents haven't exactly been the most supportive!

but there's always hope for change as you grow and make your own path!!! finding new people who appreciate you might change things for the better!!! keep focusing on your own growth.. you got this 💪 keep your head up and stay positive!!!