Family Ties and Foster Fights: The Story of Two Sisters

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Wednesday, 21 August 2024

The story

My parents began their journey as foster care providers when I was just 6 years old, with my younger brother being only 3. It was a normal part of my life; many of the kids who stayed with us got along well with me and my family. That is until we met a girl named Amber when I was in the second grade.

Amber was the new kid in my class, and for some reason, we rubbed each other the wrong way from the start. I heard from classmates that she was upset with me, despite us knowing each other for only a few days. I figured if she could be mad at me for no reason, then I had every right to be mad at her. As time went on, our relationship only worsened. By the third grade, she was bullying me—heaving my lunch to the ground, fabricating stories that I had gas issues to embarrass me, and even declaring to our teacher that she refused to sit next to "freaky eye," in reference to a scar I have near my left eye. This only fueled further taunts, comparing me to Scar from The Lion King, making me increasingly self-conscious about the scar.

Aware of these issues, my parents were often called into school meetings to address her bullying behavior. In one surprising twist, I discovered that Amber was a foster child. And then, when we were both 10, my parents made the decision to adopt her. Friends and family asked if I was okay with this decision. My parents told them I was on board and eager to assist Amber in settling in. This was far from the truth. I was devastated and opposed the idea vehemently, but my objections fell on deaf ears.

My brother was not fond of Amber either, particularly because she had manipulated him against me a number of times at school. My parents, however, saw my resistance as the reason Amber and my brother weren't close, placing the blame squarely on me. The situation escalated when I was 15, culminating in a fierce argument where I expressed my refusal to ever see Amber as a true sibling, no matter the legal ties. I accused my parents of choosing her needs over my well-being and expressed regret that anyone ever cared for her, given her continuous torment toward me. Following yet another conflict a year after, I moved in with my grandparents. My attempts to maintain a relationship with my parents dwindled, and I openly criticized them for falsely claiming that I supported the adoption of Amber. This led to others viewing them differently, which they confronted me about recently. Their visit resulted in a heated exchange about the past, with them labeling my views as selfish, and me remaining firm that they had indeed chosen Amber over me.

Imagine if this family debacle unfolded on a reality TV show, where every argument and harsh word was broadcasted for entertainment. Would viewers be sympathetic to my plight, or would they side with my parents in their decision to adopt Amber despite our rocky past? Such a setting might amplify the drama and the complex emotions involved.

Am I justified in rejecting Amber as part of my family?
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Points of view

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1mo ago

it's a tough situation!

what happened with amber sounds really hard, i get why you'd feel upset tho... she was hurting you...

hope things get better for you guys, it’s not easy dealing with such drama! Kids can be cruel sometimes it’s not fair to have your feelings ignored 😕

1mo ago

must have been really tough dealing with Amber 😔 i can understand how your parents thought they were doing a good thing tho..... it's complicated!!! your feelings are definitely valid 👍 your story shows how tricky family stuff can get..... makes me think things can get better with time...... it just needs patience and understanding 🤞 hope you all can find some common ground and move forward!!!! stay strong!!! 💪

1mo ago

I think your parents had the best intentions in adopting amber; their decision must have been driven by a desire to help a child in need. it sounds like you faced significant challenges, which should not be minimized, yet family dynamics are incredibly complex. i'm not dismissing your feelings, but it seems important to consider the holistic view of foster care and its intrinsic goals. navigating such intricate situations is certainly no easy feat for anyone involved, and it's a testament to the deep emotions and psychological components at play. hoping your family finds a pathway to healing and reconciliation.

1mo ago

i completely get your story and totally agree with you; what your parents did sounds really unfair. you were dealing with significant emotional distress, and they seemed to ignore that. kinda reminds me of a time when my parents made a decision that backfired for me. the dynamics in foster care should be more sensitive to existing family members. it’s disappointing they didn’t consider your well-being more. i'm skeptical things will improve easily 😕 you've been through a lot, and it's understandable to feel this way.