Host Unhappy with Family's Demanding Party Behavior

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Monday, 09 September 2024

The story

Entertaining family and friends has always been a passion of mine, especially for festive occasions and birthdays. I am generally the mastermind behind the lavish Christmas gatherings and often the host for various birthdays at my place. I put a lot of effort into crafting a delectable menu, cooking everything from scratch, and ensuring the space is beautifully decorated. Since embracing the role of host a few years back, I added touches like Secret Santa for Christmas and sometimes organize games or karaoke depending on the event.

Prior to this change, our family gatherings were quite modest—just a simple meal that might include a barbecue, ordering pizzas, or enjoying traditional dishes and a store-bought cake for dessert. These gatherings were very straightforward: come over, eat, and then head home. There wasn't anything particularly wrong with that but having a deep affection for Christmas, about four years ago, I volunteered to host and decided to elevate the entire experience. Everyone was impressed and they showered me with compliments. Over time, my culinary and event planning skills have significantly improved, and I take great pride in the lively and memorable events I create. Soon, my relatives began to request that I host their birthday parties as their gift, which I gladly embraced. It’s worth noting that my immediate family includes around 9 or 10 people, making these gatherings manageable and not overly costly.

Now for the recent problem. During the latest events, such as the previous Christmas, and the birthdays of my mom, uncle, aunt, and my husband, I've noticed an unpleasant change in attitude among the guests.

For instance, I sent out detailed invitations indicating that the parties would start at 3:30 pm. However, some family members would arrive at noon, questioning why I wasn’t prepared. At my husband's birthday, they noticed that I was still setting up decorations and complained about the absence of food (despite being informed that it was an early dinner). They implored me to stop decorating and start cooking as they were hungry, which I found quite rude.

Ultimately, everyone started to meddle, eating snacks and rushing me to adjust everything to suit their preference, which ultimately dismantled my original plan for the event. The party did not unfold as envisioned, and after hastily preparing the food, several guests departed immediately after eating, leaving just six of us to continue the evening.

This pattern was repeated at other celebrations: arriving too early, criticizing my readiness, eating, then leaving.

This brings me to a recent conversation with my mom, who inquired about my plans for this year's Christmas. I responded that I wasn't planning anything due to their last display of ingratitude and my decision to step back, which sparked an argument. She accused me of being unable to "take a joke" and advised that I should "learn to accept help and adapt to our family's way."

The conversation was unresolved but left me questioning whether I was reasonable in my feelings. My husband supports me, but I'm curious about impartial perspectives...

Imagine if my situation were part of a reality show—how dramatic and revealing that episode could be! The cameras capturing every early guest, every complaint, and my frustrated attempts to meet unforeseen demands. It could really offer a unique perspective on boundary setting and familial relationships in high-pressure situations.

Are my expectations for family gatherings unreasonable?

Was it fair for the family to demand changes during parties?
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Points of view

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1mo ago

Your family’s just trying to help you out and have a good time. They probably show up early cuz they’re excited! Saying they're "ungrateful" seems harsh. Hosting’s not just about your plan, it's about everyone having fun together.

Remember the saying, "It's the thought that counts"? Loosen up a bit, take the help, and enjoy their company instead of stressing over every detail. The whole situation feels like it's blown out of proportion. Chill and go with the flow.

1mo ago

Putting in all that effort and having people show up early and throw off your plans sounds super frustrating 😕

it's like they don't appreciate the hard work and thought you put into making the gatherings special... I've faced similar situations where I put a lot of effort into planning and then had people come in and mess things up...

I feel like they might be taking advantage of your generosity and it's totally fair to feel upset about that! But maybe there’s a middle ground where you let them help a bit while still keeping the core elements you plan 🤷‍♀️

1mo ago

I get what you're feeling, it sounds super frustrating, and you're putting so much love and effort into these gatherings; but your family coming early and messing up your plans is kinda rude, like they're not getting the amount of work you do; "it's the thought that counts," but they could respect your schedule more. everyone just wants to have a good time but maybe communicating your expectations better might help. not saying you're wrong, just that maybe a balance of give-and-take would make everyone happy. hope things get better for you.

1mo ago

completely agree with your assessment. your family exhibits blatant disregard for your meticulous planning and diligent efforts. their recurring intrusions demonstrate a profound lack of respect and appreciation. "learn to accept help"? more like they need to learn basic courtesy. the disruption of your events by early arrivals and unsolicited meddling is utterly unacceptable. your decision to step back is both rational and justified.

their behavior is, frankly, inexcusable.

1mo ago

completely understand your frustration 😕 your hard work deserves respect!!

Guests arriving early and disrupting plans isn't cool... perhaps communication is key but here it's important to set boundaries politely!

Some people might not realize the effort you put in to make things special: you could try discussing expectations with your family it may help avoid these situations in the future...