I very strongly dislike my sister

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Saturday, 25 January 2025

The story

*i just want to note that i didn't say hate, this sister of mine would always say she hated me and my parents so i avoid using the word as it can be kinda triggering*

I feel like a bad person because i dont like my sister (A). A is 2 years younger than me and has a twin sister (B).

A has always caused many issues in my life. When we were younger she would hit me and B, and sometimes even my parents. It got better for a while but just over a year ago it got bad again. She would get mad at me, B, and my parents for the tiniest things. There have been several instances where she was throwing a fit in the car while my mom was driving and she GRABBED THE STEERING WHEEL, thankfully we never got in a car crash.

A has been very sensitive from a young age, and when she get angry she normally goes through a few phases.

1. Yell at the person who made her mad (this usual goes on for a good 10 minutes)

2. My mom threatens to take away something from A (usually her phone)

3. A pleas with my mom to give her back said item (she will scream "please i'll do anything" for 5 straight minutes and when my mom finally tells her what she can do to make it up she will scream "ill do anything else" 😒)

4. A storms off to her room

5. A lays down on the ground in her bedroom and screams bloody murder while kicking her bedroom door.

6. A gets hurt from kicking the door

7. A screams for my dad to come and help her because she is "hurt"

8. My dad ignores her for a good 5 minutes until the screaming gets too annoying

9. My dad goes to As bedroom and tries to open the door (she locked herself in her room)

10. My dad opens the door with a butter knife and proceeds to have a conversation with A

A also has a lesser maturity than me and B so it tends to be more difficult to hang out. Because of all this anxiety and stress caused by A it isn't uncommon for me and B to huddle in my bedroom with a bunch of snacks and vent to each other about A. Me and B also do other things when we hang out but that is what brought us closer together (B also used to hit me, but she's chill now).

A has continually reminded us to tell her if me and B are hanging out.

(I want to mention that me and B hang out with A a lot, so it's not like we are icing her out of anything)

But if me and B have a secret convo in my bedroom without A and she finds out suddenly she is screaming at us about how she hates us and doesn't even want to hang out with us. This also makes it particularly unappealing to hang out with A.

A is a loner, she has friends but she rarely hangs out with any of them outside of school. A is also very fond of "chilling". A's definition of chilling is not letting me or B invite friends over, no chores or cleaning up her room, and no family plans. This weekend i had previously planned to have a sleepover with a friend at my house but because A wanted a "chill" weekend, i had to cancel. I know this doesn't seem like a big deal but this has happened before and i feel that it is taking a time on some of my friendships.

Recently i have been feeling really bad about my feelings toward A. I keep imagining her alone in her room, sad, because she can hear my and B laughing in my room. I'm literally crying thinking about it rn. It's just so hard to look past all the hardships she's out me and my family through.

Thanks for reading this, there is prob a couple spelling errors but you'll get over it. If you could give me some suggestions to improve my relationship with A that would be amazing.

Hope you have a good morning/afternoon/evening/night💕

Family Drama Stories

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MajesticAmberShadowGlabellaInHongKongWithFear 1mo ago

totally get where you're coming from, and it's like you've been navigating a minefield with your sis; her behavior seems really challenging and it sounds like you've had your patience tested big time... 😬

"family is supposed to be our safe haven. very often, it’s the place where we find the deepest heartache”, said Iyanla Vanzant, and your story kinda resonates with that. your sister's actions — from grabbing the steering wheel to those intense outbursts — feel like they’re straight out of a case study on familial discord.

your description of her phases hits like a checklist for behavioral analysis, really pinpoints the dysfunction has set in. it's commendable that you’ve managed to keep things relatively cool with B, that takes mad skill in conflict management. those snacks-and-vent sessions sound like some solid coping mechanisms;

but maybe think of your sister A as a client in crisis management, her actions might be a cry for help more than anything else. there's hope, fam dynamics can change, and with some introspection and maybe some counseling;;; things might shift!!! honestly, i think it's all about creating a supportive environment, like they say, « it always seems impossible until it’s done ». so hang in there!!

EternalGoldEarthTintinnabulationInAthensWithConfusion 1mo ago

it's rough dealing with that kind of family drama 😔 i remember when i had a similar situation with my cousin and it just felt like a never-ending cycle of chaos and stress honestly i didn't know when it would get better

it's like your sister's behavior is a constant rollercoaster and it's understandable how that's super frustrating and exhausting for you and B. the way you're trying to cope with it seems completely fair sometimes it feels like you're just trying to survive the emotional hurricane you know it’s tough always having to walk on eggshells

it’s hard not to feel a bit down about it all and you even canceled plans because of her which is just so unfair it makes me wonder if things will ever really change for the better seems like your sister needs serious help if things are gonna get better she's got a lot to work on those tantrums and demands for control are kinda out of hand sometimes it seems never-ending and so hard to stay positive when dealing with all that negativity

it’s tough and i hope maybe with time things might start to look up for everyone in your house maybe it’s gonna take a lot of work and patience but who knows let's hope things get better before they get any worse 🤞

BizarreBrickShadowMartiniGlassInBogotaWithPride 1mo ago

yeah, totally get it, your sister’s behavior is off the charts 🤷‍♂️ it can be mentally exhausting dealing with such dysfunction daily... tantrums like that are classic maladaptive responses. she seems to need a reality check; her actions affect everyone around her.

sounds like textbook behavioral issues, unmet emotional needs maybe. it's frustrating when her actions have collateral damage, like you canceling plans. her controlling nature just ain’t cool.

everyone deserves some peace and quiet at home, not a constant battlefield. hope you find a way to manage this chaos!!! really hope she starts working on herself; everyone deserves better, including her if she ever realizes it.