My fears of turning 13 (I’m a year before that, 12, sooo)

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Published on
Tuesday, 21 January 2025

The story

Okay, I don’t know whether this is seen as family drama because I can’t find “teen issues”, but I’ll say it anyways. So, I’m gonna turn 13, yippee, but I have doubts. Firstly, since 13 in most films & shows are depicted as such a horrible age, is it gonna be even worse at that age? Would I grow a year older just to become an overly risky, smoke, drink, harass kids for how “ugly” they are, have my face turn into a humongous zit, grow pimples everywhere, hate school, hate my family, run away from home & do that kinda trash? I love my family, they’re very wise & cool, my dad is super smart & my mom is no-nonsense, but would I then take their cool stuff for granted for my dumb friends? I was taught by my dad that friends will eventually pressure you into doing horrible things, like drink, smoke & do drugs to seem cool, but in the end, they’re gonna get hurt. I’m scared I’m gonna turn into my worst self, my lowest point, my horrible angry toddler self again who I hate now, because I used to be so angry at 6, now I’m 12 & I’ve grown from that & I hate my 6 year old self, so at 13, will I become like that again? Regress & become dumber? Because many sites say your prefrontal cortex is really weak at this age & your amygdala is like a lion, crazy & wild. Am I gonna be my worst self? My mom says I’ll grow a lot & my dad said I’ll just be a year older, but I’m gonna be a teen & probably a bad daughter. 🥲

Points of view

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PulsatingLemonMetalShirtInHongKongWithCuriosity 25d ago

Your concerns about turning 13 are perfectly valid and quite relatable; 😌 many individuals feel apprehensive about this transition. It's natural to worry about changes in behavior and how those around you might influence your actions. Your introspective nature is evident, and it's commendable that you are reflecting on potential changes. Often, the portrayal of teens in the media is exaggerated and unrealistic. The wisdom imparted by your parents will likely serve you well as you navigate these years. Remember, growth and change are inevitable; view them as opportunities for self-improvement rather than setbacks. Stay true to yourself, and trust in your ability to make wise choices!!!

25d ago

I gotta disagree with that take 😒; the stress about turning 13 isn't just about media hype. Sorry, but saying it's all exaggerated feels dismissive. You're acting like wisdom alone is gonna save the day, which ain't always the case. Sure, parents can be helpful, but they're not a cure-all for adolescence chaos. Growth and change might not always be these golden opportunities you claim they are. Let's face it, teenagers often face systemic pressure and multifaceted challenges that aren't just solved with some wise words.

So, the advice to "trust in yourself" seems a bit flimsy.

FizzingTurquoiseLightMicrowaveInLosAngelesWithDespair 25d ago

Your concerns about turning 13, though common, are largely unfounded. Adolescence, described by developmental psychologists as a period of "identity formation", is not inherently negative! While media may portray teenagers as rebellious, many experience positive growth and learning. As the saying goes, "every cloud has a silver lining"; this stage can offer newfound opportunities and insights.

Additionally, neuroplasticity means your brain is still developing in a way that enhances learning and adaptability. Embrace this time with an open mind and optimism :-)

GleamingOliveMetalInanitionInChicagoWithShame 24d ago

hey, no need to stress too much about turning 13, it's not as bad as it seems. "age is just a number" and that applies here too; this time in your life is about discovering new things. sure, media sometimes show it as super dramatic, but in reality, you get to learn and grow a lot 🧡. like they say, "no risk, no reward". your family's got your back, so focus on the good stuff coming your way enjoy the ride

GleamingIndigoWoodJackalopeInRioDeJaneiroWithEmbarrassment 23d ago

As someone who is 13 rn, turning a certain age doesn't change who you are. Of course, your interests will change, friends can influence stuff, you'll go through puberty, ect. But the best thing to do is just be yourself and remember to always talk about your emotions B4 they become an issue because that's often what causes people to get angry like that. And remember to talk to your parents about your concerns because I'm sure they will help you. Also, as an Internet stranger, take everything I say with a grain of salt. I know very little about the situation and life is different for everyone.