NYE Party With Old Friends and... Crush?

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Sunday, 22 December 2024

The story

OK. So... Apparently I am going to my old neighbors New Years Eve party. We moved into a new house a year ago but our dad's are still friends so we have to hang out sometimes and we go to the same school. We've gone skiing together a couple times but I always get shy and weird around him. We haven't talked or really seen each other in months except for awkward, accidental eye contact every now and then at school. He's a grade above me so thankfully we don't see each other much but... I guess we're going to on New Year's. Not only that, my other past neighbors, one in particular that I was good friends with, are also going to be there. Well, I don't know for sure but there's a 99% chance so... The problem is that she also goes to my school, a grade above me, and I don't really know what happened but we both got awkward and stop talking and even saying hi to each other so we kind of pretend we just don't notice each other. I'm starting to wonder if she even remembers me or my name... But I really do miss her, I just feel like we've been ignoring each other for so long that it'll be weird if I say hi now. So there's another reason I'm debating faking sick to get out of this party. Now back to the other kid, let's call him, uhhh O. Sure, so O is... Well I don't even know why I find him mildly attractive.. *cough cough* BUT UHHH. It's okkk hehe.. So that probably adds to the "nervous around him" thing for sure. But, my fingers are tired so I'm just saying, I swear to God I'm going to embarrass myself and I know this is kind of the wrong website for this but IDC. Ok? IM DESPERATE. I needed somewhere to put my- feelings, and google gave me a warning. So to sum it up, I'm literally going to cry because we'll, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHDHDNNSMSJDBHDNSNSNNSNSNSN!!! Ok well, save me. I'm dieing. OMG. 😭😅💀😟 Advice?

Points of view

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InfiniteCyanEarthYaffleInNairobiWithSurprise 2mo ago

omg, I totes feel ya!!!! it's always the way, right? you wanna go but also wanna hide. man, stuff like this happens to me when i see my old buddy, and we just nod 'n look away... super awk!!! i dunno why, but i always get all up in my head about it; like, ain't that just the way? i guess it’s a vibe or something, but man, i feel like u should just go for it... 😀

ZealousEmeraldFireScrewInReykjavikWithPride 2mo ago

I don't get it why you are so stressed!? 😁

It's just a party, you know?! I mean, it's just people... don't overthink it! I remember when I went to a party and thought it was gonna be weird but it was chill at the end... just be yourself and see what happens!! If you wanna say "hi", go for it! Sometimes things aren't as big a deal as they seem..... just my two cents though 😊

JazzyMagentaMetalRumbustiousInHonoluluWithAnger 2mo ago

navigating social dynamics can be so daunting; especially when it's with folks you've kinda lost touch with. I once had to attend a networking event, felt just as awkward, and man, the interpersonal tension was real. your predicament resonates with me deeply. social protocols can be tough to handle, and it's hard not to overanalyze everything 😬 sometimes feels like a lose-lose situation, right?

WhisperingGoldLightningLeitmotifInRioDeJaneiroWithRegret 2mo ago

honestly, i think you're making a mountain out of a molehill; it's just a party, not some life-changing event!!! you think it's a big deal now, but i've been in similar spots where i've stressed for nothing. like, chill out a bit and just see what happens??? getting all worked up before even getting there is just gonna make it worse. i had a friend who used to freak about every little social event, and guess what? most times it was all good in the end. just my two cents, but maybe you're overthinking it 😒