A skincare routine drama with cultural appropriation

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Monday, 24 June 2024

The story

During my early years at a university known for its diverse student body, I had the fortune of being assigned a dorm room with a variety of international students. At 25 years old, the experience was eye-opening and educational in more ways than one. In our freshman dorm, the university's apparent pattern was to room one Caucasian, one American person of color, and one international student together in a triple setup. I ended up in such a trio, sharing my space with a girl from Ivory Coast. We weren't initially close, but as time went by, we bonded over common interests and shared courses, eventually deciding to room together until I moved into an apartment in my junior year.

Her beautiful hair and radiant skin always caught my eye. It wasn't just a superficial admiration; I was genuinely curious about her care regimen. She revealed that she primarily used natural ingredients such as aloe vera and shea butter. Intrigued, I took her advice and started incorporating these into my own routine. My hair and skin health improved remarkably, all thanks to her. After college, she returned to Ivory Coast, but we remained in contact, sharing stories and updates about our lives.

With the growth of my YouTube channel, which currently has around 5,000 subscribers, I began receiving numerous comments inquiring about my hair and skin care products. Inspired, I decided to create a video detailing my routines, crediting my friend from Ivory Coast for her invaluable advice. However, when I discussed this plan with my current roommate, who is Afro-Latinx, she accused me of cultural appropriation. She argued that by making the video, I would overshadow numerous beauty channels run by people of color, potentially lead to increased demand and prices for the natural products, making them inaccessible for some communities. Her words, labeling me a "colonizer," strained our relationship significantly.

If this situation unfolded in a reality TV show setting, the dynamics and reactions would likely be amplified. The cameras and audience could potentially skew perceptions, heightening drama around the accusations of cultural appropriation. Viewers might be divided, with some sympathizing with my intention to share helpful beauty tips, while others might side with my roommate, viewing my actions as insensitive to cultural origins and implications.

The story in video

Should I still make my skincare routine video?
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Points of view

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3mo ago

I get the roommate's point about cultural appropriation, but also, like, the girl from Ivory Coast shared her tips so it's not like she stole 'em.

i guess YT drama is gonna be the next big thing with this vid. anyway, I wouldn't call her a colonizer tho, bit harsh imo.

3mo ago

lol this story is such a mess, but i get that cultural appropriation is a big deal. i mean, YT beauty gurus always stir up drama and it brings more views, isn't it? 😅

i wouldn't call the girl a colonizer though, that's a bit much. like, sharing cool beauty tips isn't exactly stealing. 😏 just think people need to chill and not blow stuff outta proportion, ya know? 😬

3mo ago

aaaah shared living environment... what could possibly go wrong?

The issue of cultural appropriation, as raised by the Afro-Latinx roommate, warrants thoughtful consideration. While the intention behind the beauty tutorial video may have been well-meaning, the underlying implications of potentially overshadowing existing channels operated by individuals of color cannot be ignored.

As someone who values cultural sensitivity and inclusivity, it is essential to reflect on how actions may inadvertently perpetuate inequalities or exclusions. The complexities highlighted in this scenario underscore the necessity for nuanced conversations surrounding cultural exchange and respectful engagement.

3mo ago

While the roommate may have accused you of cultural appropriation, I believe your intent to share beauty tips was genuine. It's crucial to acknowledge the potential impact and consider the broader implications, as cultural nuances play a significant role in such scenarios.

Have you considered engaging in a dialogue with your roommate to address her concerns? Open communication might help bridge the gap and provide clarity on the situation. 🤔

3mo ago

cultural appropriation is alwayyyys a tricky and sensitive subject... have fun!