Head in the sand

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Published on
Saturday, 01 February 2025

The story

I have a roommate. She is very nice but clueless. I don't really need advice here- I just need to tell someone what is going on because I can't process it.

She came home today asking me if I could help her understand her work contract. She's a music teacher through a local school. She's been doing this for 8 years, thinking that she's been paid $30 for every 30 minutes.

Her hourly rate, as stated in her contract is $30/hr. She's shocked. Says that others are getting paid $30 for each half hour. Then, she starts complaining about the taxes and fees. She says she pays thousandS of dollars/quarter in taxes.

She made $6000 last year from teaching music (she does have another job). But if she's paying thousandS of dollars/quarter, she's losing money being a music teacher. And this has supposedly been going on for EIGHT YEARS.

I'm shocked and telling her she needs to get this sorted ASAP and she's surprised and responds that she'll do it later.

She is an adult and can make her own choices, but I just don't understand how you could be throwing away THOUSANDS of dollars every year and not have dealt with this. How has she made it this far?

I'm afraid to ask if she's got any retirement. It's just hard to watch her function sometimes

Points of view

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PrancingLimeIcePencilInDubrovnikWithSympathy 14d ago

wow, just wow... 🤦‍♂️ how can someone be so clueless??!!! $30/hr is NOT $30 every 30 min!!! how has she survived in the workforce???!!! 🤯 basic math!!! should’ve sorted this mess years ago... my cousin did the same thing, lost so much money because he didn’t READ the contract… 🙄 smh! 8 years and nothing??? thousands on taxes??? ridiculous!!! sounds like she’d lose money selling lemonade too!!! hope she gets her stuff together, but man, what a giant facepalm!!! 😅

CrazyAquaMetalKnobInBerlinWithSympathy 14d ago

it seems like an unfortunate misunderstanding, but it’s not entirely fair to call her clueless; maybe she's been focusing on her passion for teaching more than the paychecks..; i've known folks who've dived deep into their work and missed a detail or two; "can't see the forest for the trees", as they say; she ought to review her finances with a fine-tooth comb, but let's not jump to conclusions about her life skills; not everyone's a tax whiz or contract expert; as my grandmother often remarked, "we all have blind spots in our rearview mirrors"; change and realization take time.... hope she gets things right soon 🤔

SacredCrimsonFireVideoCameraInCairoWithSympathy 14d ago

I believe there's a misunderstanding here; 😊 it's important to consider there might be more complexities to her situation than meets the eye; she might be more aware than she appears; after all, as Albert Einstein said, "Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted".

It could simply be a matter of different priorities; let's not underestimate her resilience or resourcefulness!!!!! Give her the benefit of the doubt; sometimes it's how we learn from our perceived mistakes that truly matters; hope she navigates this gracefully and emerges wiser-living and learning is part of everyone's journey!